CHP 25 Control of body temp and water balance Flashcards
Kidneys/renal system
-filters blood-filters 1,100-2000 L fluid from the bloodstream daily
-regulate the volume and chemical makeup of the blood- removes toxins, metabolic wastes, excess ions
-returns substances to the blood such as glucose, amino acids, ions, and vitamins
-kidneys-critical function in elimination of metabolic wastes
Note-metabolism is defined as all the chemical reactions in the body
-examples of metabolic waste: CO2
nitrogenous wastes
-nitrogenous wastes
byproduct of proteins and nucleic acids break down
-must be disposed of, i.e., excreted
amino groups are converted into a substance called
urea is produced in the
urea is water soluble and therefore suitable for elimination from the body by being carried in the blood to the
Renal system-excretory system anatomy
-includes two kidneys, urinary bladder, to ureters, urethra
- bean shaped
- site of urine formation
- composed of hollow tubules called nephrons
-tubes that extends from each kidney to the urinary bladder
-carry urine-filtered blood that is ready for elimination
-urinary bladder-receives fluid from kidneys by a ureters and expels resulting fluid (urine) into outflow tube called the urethra
Internal anatomy of the kidney
-two layers-outer layer-
-inner layer-renal medulla-
Note: renal cortex and renal medulla layers have an arrangement of tubules called nephrons
-nephrons-structural and functional unit of kidney
basic unit-essentially tubules with associated capillaries and arterioles
Tubular elements of kidney and nephron
A-Bowman’s capsule-cup like and, completely surrounds grouping of capillaries called glomerulus
-note: together referred to as renal corpuscle
B-proximal tubule-
C-loop of Henle parts:
1-thin descending limb
2-thick and thin descending limb
D- distal tubule-
E-collecting ducts-
Microvasculature of nephrons
-nephron has 2 separate networks of capillaries:
1-blood flows from the renal artery into an afferent arteriole forming a Tuft of capillaries called the glomerulus
-site where filtrate is made
2-arteriole from the glomerulus branches and forms a second capillary network-called peritubular capillaries
-this surrounds the proximal and distal tubules
-involved with refining filtered blood that will eventually become urine
Note: filtrate-plasma derived fluid
-raw material that renal tubules process to form urine
Kidney function
note: kidneys process 180 L of fluid per day but only 1% leaves the body and the rest is returned to circulation by the kidneys
mechanism-filtration, reabsorption, secretion, excretion
Filtration-begins at the
Bowman’s capsule
-fluid that filters through, from glomerulus capillaries, is captured by the Bowman’s capsule and enters its
volume as filtrate that is filtered by glomerulus is referred to as
glomerular filtration rate
- important to maintain constant rate- - if too much filtrate forms, the flow too fast for substances to be reabsorbed which would mean those substances get lost in the urine - if too little filtrate is formed, the flow is too slow and even wastes get reabsorbed