Chp-24 ~ Types Of Insurance Flashcards
Two broad categories of insurance?
1] Life Insurance
2] Non-life Insurance
Define life insurance. - 2M or 3M
- A contract whereby the insurer undertakes to pay certain sum of money either on the death of the insured or on the expiry of a specified period, whichever is earlier
- Is not a contract of indemnity because sum assured is always payable and only the time of payment is uncertain. (thus, life insurance is a.k.a LIFE ASSURANCE)
- Insurable interest must be present at the time of taking insurance policy
What are the advantages of life insurance? (Importance)
- Protection against risk
- Protection for old age
- Thrift and savings
- Investment
- Tax savings
- Capital formation
Provide distinction between Insurance and Assurance.
Insurance || Assurance
1. Nature of Risk:
Risk is uncertain || Risk is certain
2. Relationship:
Related to non-life insurance || Related to life insurance
3. Payment of Compensation:
Compensation is paid only on the happening of the event || Compensation is paid whether the event happens or not
4. Conditions to claim Compensation:
The insured must suffer a loss || The insured is not necessarily required to suffer a loss
5. Type of Contract:
Contract of indemnity || Not a contract of indemnity
What is health insurance? Mention the most popular health insurance policy.
- Health insurance means insurance for protection of health against various types of diseases.
- In case of ill health, the insured person receives the cost of treatment/hospitalisation up to the insured amount.
- Mediclaim is the most popular health insurance policy.
- Under this policy, the insured person gets cashless facility from specified hospitals. The cost of treatment (up to Rs. 5 lacs) in the hospital is directly paid for by the insurance company to the hospital.
What are the various types of health insurance policies?
- Basic medical expenses
- Major medical expenses
- Disability income policy
- Long-term hospitalisation
What are the advantages of health insurance? (Importance)
- By paying a small amount of premium, the insured person gets coverage for heavy cost involved in hospitalisation for serious diseases.
- The premium paid for health insurance is allowed as a deduction from taxable income.
- In case of sudden hospitalisation, the insured is saved from heavy expenditure.
- Health insurance contributes significantly to the economic development of a country.
- Health insurance industry provides protection to social development.
What is fire insurance? -1M
Risk of loss of property by fire.
What is marine insurance? -1M
Risk of loss of ship, cargo or freight while sending goods by sea.
What is burglary insurance? -1M
Risk of loss by theft and burglary.
What is fidelity insurance? -1M
Risk of loss arising from dishonesty of employees.
What is third-party insurance? -1M
Risk of loss due to liability to a third-party.
What is social insurance? -1M
Risk of loss due to ill health, unemployment, workmen’s compensation, Employees State Insurance.
What is credit insurance? -1M
Risk of bad debts.
What is motor insurance? -1M
Risk of loss due to accident of vehicles.