Chp 2 - Supply Chain Design Flashcards
What tool is used to match supply Chain with a product (pg 91)
Fisher 1991
Horizontal supply chain - efficient / responsive
Vertical product classification - functional / innovative
What tool is used to assess the taxonomy of the supply chain (pg 91)
Christopher and Twill 2002
Vertical - product - standard vs special
Horizontal- demand - volitile vs stable
Gives long or short lead time depending on the mix
What considerations need to be made when looking to customer segmentation (pg 93)
Gatorna et al 2003
Collaborative (regular / close / trusting)
Efficient (cost efficient / adversarial)
Dynamic (unpredictable demand / ad hoc delivery)
Innovative solutions (unpredictable/ agile / rapidly changing)
What tool can be used to make strategic decisions on product portfolio (pg 98)
Anscoffs matrix
Vertical - market - existing or new
Horizontal- product / service - existing or new
- Market Penetration
- Product development
- Market development
- Diversification
What tool can help to review the portfolio of products and suppliers (pg 100)
Kraljic portfolio matrix
Vertical - profit impact low to high
Horizontal - supply risk low to high
- Leverage items = materials management
- Strategic items = supply management
- Non critical items = purchasing management
- Bottle neck items = sourcing management
How to link strategies for tie ring the supply chain (pg 105)
Link processes - Lysons and Farringdon
Look at; Managed process links Monitored process links Not managed process links Non member process links
Types of mismatch - Slack and Lewis
Supplier improvement gap
Market perception gap
Operation improvement gap
Operations performance gap
What are the supply chain flows (pg 109)
Goods / materials to the customer
Information between customer / supplier
Finance to the supplier
Porters value chain (pg 116)
Support activities;
- Infrastructure
- Human Resources
- Procurement
- Technology
Primary activities
- Inbound logistics
- Operations
- Outbound logistics
- Marketing and sales
- After sales support
What are some types of system integration tools (pg 154)
- tightly coupled systems integration
- service orientated architecture
- enterprise systems bus (ESB)
- integrated platform as a service (IPAAS)
What stages does network optimisation modelling have (pg 120)
1) Strategy development - to align business strategy
2) Scenario modelling - look at business options
3) Implementation modelling - plan to deliver
Considerations of reverse logistics (pg 123)
- What is the strategic choice
- Control
- Power
- Quality
- Profitability
- Customer Experience
What are the options on channel design (pg 125)
- Direct sales
- Retail
- Distribution
- Wholesale
- E-commerce
What are the issues in e commerce (pg 129)
Information exchange Cannibalisation Selling at a distance Customer satisfaction Data security New entrants Product returns Manufacturer or retailer
What are the fours steps in logistical flow path design (pg 129)
1) Data collection
2) Data aggregation
3) Optimisation modelling
4) Implementation
Need to be done both up and down stream
What considerations need to be made on placement of distribution centres (pg 139)
- The purpose
- Balance of supply and demand
- Service level expectations
- Reduce cost and added value
- Product and service mix
- Optimise returns on investment
- Strategic alignment
- Environmental impact
How to compare Agile and Lean in supply chains (pg 144)
Christopher and Twill
Vertical axis - supply lead time short to long
Horizontal axis - predicable to unpredictable demand
What are the 7 wastes (pg 146)
Transport Inventory Motion Waiting Over-processing Over- production Defects Skills
What are the stages to eliminate waste (pg 146)
Womack and Jones 1997
Specify value Value stream Create flow Establish pull Pursue perfection