CHP 2 Flashcards
Nearly —-of land area covered with deserts.
Found in cold deserts of Bolivia Argentina this plants in a tall column up to 3M high and has a dense covering of long light coloured thorns.
Silver torch cactus
This plan is native to nombian desert and is reported to have a lifespan over 1500 years. The plant has only two leaves and A Long taproot to reach water hidden deep inside.
This plant has no leaves at all and have very thick stem in which it shows water it has a unatural physical appearance, Similar its bright Flowers emit a pungent order to attract bees for pollination.
Hydronora African
Native to Madagascar Africa and Australia it has a very thick pleasure trunk that can store up more than 1 lakh liters of rainwater to survive during the hot and dry conditions.
Native to cyanora result this plant has a thick fleshy stem no leaves and the last Thomas it can grow up to 20 m in length. It can shrink or swell depending on the water content it has over the course of year.
It is a coniferous tree endemic to Australia. To reproduce and has fixed stem that is used to store water. Can survive both in extreme hot and cold extremely cold temperatures in desert.
wollemi Pine
This plant has a tree like structure and shows the resemble to Sweet P. What are to protect itself from heat it shell just sleep during the summer and best flower in Early Spring.
Desert ironwood
This Australian tree has more nearly white bar in the seems to glow in dark. Adult please flower but in group of three or seven white flowers and Cup shaped fruits.
Ghost gum
The desert plant ——— religious and chemical into soil the chemical which makes difficult for other plants to grow in that soil. Ensures that no other plant completes it with its water supply.