Chp. 15: Monitoring Oxygenation Flashcards
Condition in which the supply of oxygen to tissues fails to ensure normal cellular metabolism
State of low arterial oxygen partial pressure
What are frequent causes of tissue hypoxia?
Hypoxemia, anemia, histotoxicity, reduced forward blood flow
Causes of hypoxemia
Low FiO2, hypoventilation, V/Q mismatch, physiologic shunt, diffusion impairment
Alveolar Gas Equation
PAO2 (mmHg) = FIO2 (PB – PH2O) – PaCO2 / R)
R = ratio of CO2 elimination over O2 uptake, typically estimated at 0.8
CaO2 Equation
CaO2 (mL/dL) = (1.34 x Hb X SaO2) + (0.0031 x PaO2)
First term represents amount of oxygen bound to hemoglobin.
Second term represents quantity of oxygen dissolved in plasma.
Oxygen Deliver (DO2) Equation
DO2 (mL/min) = CO x CaO2
Oxygen Consumption (VO2) Equation
VO2 (mL/min) = CO x C(a-v)O2
Oxygen Extraction Ratio (O2ER) Equation
O2ER = VO2/DO2
Causes of increased O2ER
Anything that increases oxygen consumption (seizures, hyperthermia, sepsis) or decreases oxygen delivery (hypoxemia and anemia). Low O2ER is usually due to decreased oxygen consumption caused by anesthesia, mechanical ventilation, and hypothermia.
Indicates the presence of deoxygenated blood in the observed tissue. A minimal concentration of deoxygenated hemoglobin (5g/dL) is required to cause a visually detectable cyanosis.
Why might an anemic animal be hypoxemia without showing cyanosis?
Decreased hemoglobin concentration would be saturated with oxygen even in the presence of considerably reduced partial pressures of oxygen in the blood.
True or False: Drug induced peripheral vasoconstriction can cause cyanosis.
True. When peripheral blood flow slows down due to vasoconstriction, oxygen can diffuse into tissues over a longer time (oxygen extraction increases), leaving more deoxygenated hemoglobin in the capillary bed.
What is a normal A-a gradient?
Less than 20mmHg
What is a normal PaO2/FiO2 ratio?
400-500 at sea level
What are the main disadvantages of using the PaO2/FiO2 ratio to guid clinical decision?
Dependence on barometric pressure and its inability to distinguish alveolar hypoventilation from other causes of hypoxemia. Does not indicate CaO2 and does not provide information on oxygen delivery to tissues
What is the greatest limitation of arterial blood gas analysis?
Inability to detect regional or local changes in tissue oxygenation.