Chp 14: Reproductive System Flashcards
Early development of gonads
From genital ridge (hypomere) Gonads indifferent (capable of being male or female) Chromosomes AND hormones cause differentiation of glands and ducts into male or female structures
Separate makes and females in most vertebrates
Agnatha sometimes have hermaphrodites
2 present -produce male gametes (sperm) -produce male hormones (androgens) Single teste in Agnatha, few fish, few lizards Smaller than ovaries (except mammals) Scrotum only in mammals -inguinal canal
Sperm Ducts
Mesonephric ducts = archinephric ducts
-carry both sperm & urine
Vas deferens = ductus deferens
-carry only sperm
Ductus deferens in recent bony fish + amniotes act as accessory sperm duct
No sperm in cyclostomes (living agnathans): coelom -> out the genital pore
2 present -produce female gametes -eggs -produce female hormones One ovary in Agnatha, some fish, some sharks, some crocs, most birds (retain left ovary), platypus + some bats Most have cavities except mammals
Ovarian ducts
From embryonic Müllerian duct Functions: -transport eggs -coat eggs (nidamental gland) -hold eggs or young -expelling eggs or young -receiving sperm, storing sperm >guppies, chickens, rattlesnakes, birds
Fish ovarian ducts
Agnatha - none
Cartilaginous fish
-oviduct with shell gland = nidamental gland (oviparous = egg laying)
-OR viviparous (live birth)
-uterus, cloaca
Bony fish
-duct continuous with ovary cavity (infundibulum in mammals to catch eggs when released)
Tetrapod ovarian ducts
Amphibs -glands secrete jelly (put on as traveling down ovarian duct)
Reptiles, birds, monotremes ovarian duct
1 or 2 oviducts
Albumen gland, shell gland
Shell leathery or brittle
Other mammals ovarian duct
Oviducts, 1 or more uteri
1 vagina in placentals, 2 or 3 in marsupials
Duplex uteri
2 cavities
Rabbit, opossum
Simplex uteri
1 cavity
Intermediate uteri
2 horns (bicornuate) and a body of a uterus Cat, pig, cow
Common opening for intestine, urinary ducts, genital ducts
Agnatha and actinopterygii cloaca
Absent; may be secondary loss