Chp. 1 Vocab Flashcards
Government example
Congress, the president, The courts, and federal administrative agencies.
The institutions that make authoritative decisions for any given society
What does government do?
Government maintains a national defense, provides public services, collects taxes, and preserves order.
Determines who we select as a government leaders and what policies these leaders pursue.
Political participation
It is the ways in which the people get involved in politics.
Political participation example
Single-issue groups
Groups so concerned with one issue that members cast their votes on the basis of that issue only while ignoring a politicians stand on everything else
Single issue groups example
Groups of activist dedicated to either outlawing abortion or to preserve abortion-rights
Policymaking system
The channels or access points that are which issues and people’s policy preferences get on the governments policy agenda
Example of linkage institution
In the US elections, political parties, interest groups, and the mass media are the three main linkage institutions
Policy agenda
The issues that attract the serious attention of public officials and other people actually involved in politics at any given point in time
Policymaking institutions
The branches of government charged with taking action on political issues. Ex: The constitution established three policymaking institutions including the Congress, the presidency, and the courts.
Pluralist theory
Theory of government and politics emphasizing the that politics is mainly a competition among groups
Elite theory
A theory of government and politics contending that societies are divided along class lines and that an upper class elite will rule, regardless of the formal niceties of the government.
Theory of government and politics contending that groups are so strong that government is weakened. Extreme perverted form of Pluralism
The condition or system in which two or more states, groups,principles, sources of authority coexist
Policy gridlock
A condition that occurs when no coalition (an alliance for combined action) is strong enough to form a majority and establish policy. The result is that nothing may get done.
Political culture
Overall set of values widely shared within a society