Chp. 1 -- Communication And Competence Flashcards
What is studied in communication?
Message exchange, identity of people in communication, time and place of communication.
What is communication?
Process whereby humans collectively create and regulate social reality
What do the authors say about definitions of communication?
Communication is a complex process and is difficult to define or summarize. Comm. has many definitions to fit different perspectives. Each definition looks at certain parts of a process while ignoring others and are useful for different purposes
Why study communication?
Learn how people communicate, what factors affect how you communicate, how to tell if someone is lying, about social media, how to communicate to the public effectively
5 kinds of competence the authors discuss
Interpretive competence, goal competence, message competence, role competence, self competence
What is communication competence?
Ability to communicate in a personally effective and socially appropriate manner
Implicit vs explicit knowledge
Implicit knowledge is knowledge we don’t stop to think about and that we use unconsciously to guide our behavior. Explicit knowledge is knowledge that has been articulated, codified, and stored in social media.
What is communication chauvinism?
Belief that everyone else thinks and acts as we do
What is the origin of the word “communication”?
“Communication” comes from “munia”, meaning “service” and “connoting”, which means “mutual help, exchange, and interaction of those belonging to the same community.”
What is communication accommodation?
It argues that “when people interact they adjust their speech, their vocal patterns and their gestures, to accommodate to others”.
What are 5 kinds of goals for messages?
1) Assign meanings to the world around them 2) Take on social roles appropriately 3) Present valued images of themselves 4) Set goals strategically 5) Generate intelligible messages
What are the components of the SMCR communication model?
Source = communication skills, attitudes, knowledge, social system, culture Message = content, elements, treatment, structure, code Channel = hearing, seeing, touching, smelling, tasting Receiver = communication skills, attitudes, knowledge, social system, culture
The source encodes the message, and the channel decodes it to the receiver.
What does it suggest to say communication is a process?
- Communication is an ongoing process; it has no beginning or end, and is constantly changing.
- Individual sentences, words, and gestures are part of ongoing stream of events.
- What a person does/says is connected to what others do and say.
How is human communication different from animal communication?
Humans use codes; they use language naturally and spontaneously in a creative way. It allows us to do things animals aren’t capable of.
Do chimps really use human communication in the same way as people?
No, animals communicate through their behavior. For example birds use distress signals, baboons and apes play together, etc.
What does it mean to say that communication is regulatory?
Ability to communicate regularly gives a person power to express themselves.
Communication is also a regulator of action; it allows a person to express their emotions and to control their own actions.