Chp 1-10 Flashcards
Xander was elf jaar oud. In watter toetstand vind hy sy pa in die studeerkamer? (P)
(Xander was eleven years old. In what condition does he find his father in the study?)
Sy pa was in ‘n ontstelde toestand. Hy het gehuil en daar was ‘n 9mm pistool op die tafel
[His father was in a distressed state. He was crying, and there was a 9mm pistol on the table]
Hoe het Xander die situasie in die studeerkamer geïnterpreteer? Motiveer jou antwoord. (P)
(How did Xander interpret the situation in the study? Motivate your answer)
Xander het geweet dat dit ‘n ernstige situasie was en dat daar rede tot kommer was.
[Xander knew that this was a serious situation and that there was reason for concern]
Hoekom was sy pa (Xander se pa) in hierdie toestand? Lees die boek en keer terug na hierdie vraag. (P)
(Why was his father in this condition? Read the book and come back to this question)
Die pa was deel van ‘n misdaadsindikaat. Hy was bang vir sy gesin.
[The father was part of a crime syndicate. He was afraid for his family]
Ses maande later het die pa (Xander se pa) ‘n besoek gekry. Wie was dit en wie het hulle gestuur? (P)
(Six months later the father got a visit. Who was it and who sent them?)
‘Dok’ het twee van sy handlangers gestuur om Xander se pa te besoek.
[“Doc” had sent two of his accomplices to visit Xander’s father]
Watter opdrag het die pa aan Xander gegee? (P)
(What order did the father give to Xander?)
Hy moet om weg te kruip.
[He must go hide]
Wat is simboliek van ‘n slang volgens die Christen- en Joodse tradisies? (Chp 1)
(What is the symbolism of a snake according to the Christian and Jewish traditions?)
Die slang is ‘n simbool van ‘n verraaier en ookdiebose.
[The snake is a symbol of a traitor and evil]
Kan die simbool net as negatief gesien word? (Chp 1 -die slang)
(Can the symbol only be seen as negative?)
Dit het slegs ‘n negatiewe konnoktasie.
[It has only a negative connotation]
Waarom gee die huis vir Greg so ‘n swaar gevoel? Waarom is die volgende oggend ‘n nuwe begin vir hom? (Chp 1)
(Why does the house give Greg such a heavy feeling? Why is the next morning a new beginning for him?)
Depressie hang in die lug. Greg begin ‘n nuwe hoofstuk in sy lewe deur op Stellenbosch Universiteit te gaan studeer.
[Depression hangs in the air. Greg begins a new chapter in his life, studying at Stellenbosch University.]
Wanneer is ‘n mens, volgens die Meksikane, finaal dood? (Chp 1)
(When, according to the Mexicans, is a person finally dead?)
‘n Mens is finaal dood wanneer mense jou vergeet
[A person is truly dead when people forget you]
Was Greg en sy ma, Rina, sonder geld en heenkome na die verhoor van sy pa, Chris Owen, en die daaropvolgende tronkstaf? Motiveer jou antwoord. (Chp 2)
(Were Greg and his mother, Rina, left without money and shelter after the trial of his father, Chris Owen, and the subsequent prison sentence? Justify your answer.)
Nee, hulle was finansieel onafhanklik, want hulle het trustfondse gehad.
[No, they were financially independent because they had trust funds]
Hoe was Eckardt se wraak amper prefek? (Chp 2)
(How was Eckardt’s revenge almost perfect?)
Hy het Greg gebruik om sy eie pa by terreur te betrek.
[He used Greg to involve his own father in terrorism]
Wat was die oorsaak van Eckardt se haat teenoor Greg en sy pa? (Chp 2)
(What was the cause of Eckardt’s hatred of Greg and his father?)
Eckhardt het Greg en sy pa verantwoordelik gehou vir sy pa, die regter, se dood.
[Eckhardt held Greg and his father responsible for his father, the judge’s, death]
Waarvoor was Greg se pa veral verantwoordelik? (Chp 2)
(What was Greg’s father particularly responsible for?)
Greg se pa was veral verantwoordelik vir die binnehandel met aandele.
[Greg’s father was particularly responsible for insider trading]
Wat was Dok Pienaar se aandeel in misdaadsindikaat? Waarom kan dit as terreur beskou word? (Chp 2)
(What was Doc Pienaar’s part in the crime syndicate? Why can this be considered terrorism?)
Dok Pienaar was verantwoordelik vir die regterse dood. Talle mense het gesterf nadat hulle die griepinspuitings van Project Nursery Rhyme ontvang het. Dit kan as terreur beskou word omdat dit vrees versprei het.
[Doc Pienaar was responsible for the judge’s death. Many people died after they received flu injections from Project Nursery Rhyme. This could be considered terrorism because it spread fear]
Gee ‘n kort beskrywing van T.J. Lawson. Waarom dink Greg dat hy gevaarlik kan wees? (Chp 2)
(Give a brief description of T.J. Lawson. Why does Greg think he could be dangerous?)
T.J. Lawson is ‘n man met ysblou oë, dun lippe, ‘n styfgetrekte vel en silwergrys hare. Hy laat Greg dink aan die Godfather.
[T.J. Lawson is a man with ice-blue eyes, thin lips, taut skin, and silver-gray hair. He reminds Greg of the Godfather]
“Never burn a bridge to find your way in the dark. Yes, bridges burn…but so do people and their dreams.” Wat probeer Lawson eintlik vir Greg met die aanhaling sê? (Chp 2)
(“Never burn a bridge to find your way in the dark. Yes, bridges burn…but so do people and their dreams.” What is Lawson actually trying to tell Greg with the quote?)
Moenie jou opsies en kontakte van die verlede uitwis nie. Deur brûe te verbrand, word mense en hul drome ook vernietig.
[Do not erase your options and contacts from the past. By burning bridges, people and their dreams are also destroyed]
Hoe het Lawson Kollege alle hierinneringe aan die Owenfamilie probeer uitwis? (Chp 2)
(How did Lawson College try to erase all memories of the Owen family?)
Alles wat in die skool se museum was wat met Greg en sy familie te doen gehad, is verwyder, insluitend sy broer John se prestasies.
[Everything in the school museum related to Greg and his family was removed, including his brother John’s achievements]
Wie het nie in die prentjie van die hofsaak van sy pa gepas nie? (Chp 2)
(Who did not fit into the picture of the court case of his father?)
Die vrou wat in swart geklee was, met swart hare en ‘n donkerraambril.
[The woman dressed in black, with black hair and dark-rimmed glasses]
Wat is die donker web van armoede? (Chp 2)
(What is the dark web of poverty?)
Hier word verwys na vroue en kinders wat prostitusie moet gebruik om te oorleef.
[This refers to women and children who have to resort to prostitution to survive]
Waar word Greg gekonfronteer oor die misdaad waaraan sy pa skuldig bevind is? How het die persoon daarvan uitgevind? (Chp 3)
(Where is Greg confronted about the crime his father was convicted of? How did the person find out about it?)
Greg word by die B&B gekonfronteer oor die misdaad waaraan sy pa skuldig bevind is, deur een van die gaste. Die vrou het daarvan uitgevind weens artikels in die Huisgenoot.
[Greg is confronted at the B&B about the crime his father was convicted of, by one of the guests. The woman found out about it through articles in Huisgenoot]
Waar gaan Greg tuis in Stellenbosch? (Chp 3)
(Where does Greg go home in Stellenbosch?)
Greg gaan tuis in ‘n studio apartment wat hy op die internet gekry het.
[Greg settles into a studio apartment that he found online]
Wie is die randfiguur en wie is die bykarakter in die hoofstuk? Wat is die verskil? (Chp 3)
(Who is the marginal figure and who is the supporting character in the chapter? What is the difference?)
Die randfiguur in die hoofstuk is Chloe, en Plank is ‘n bykarakter. Die randfigure is nie belangrike karakters nie, terwyl die bykarakters ‘n invloed op die lewe van die hoofkarakter het.
[The marginal character in the chapter is Chloe, and Plank is a minor character/secondary character. The marginal characters are not important characters, while the supporting characters have an influence on the life of the main character]
Aan watter studente-aktiwiteit neem Greg deel? Waarom? (Chp 4)
(What student activity does Greg participate in? Why?)
Greg neem aan die oriënteringskonsert (vensters konsert) deel. Chloe het hom na die oefeninge gesleep.
[Greg takes part in the orientation concert. Chloe dragged him along to the rehearsals] Choloe het hom gedwing
Watter vrou wys Plank aan Greg uit? Waar het Greg haar al vantewore gesien? (Chp 4)
(Which woman does Plank point out to Greg? Where has Greg seen her since then?)
Plank wys vir hom ‘n ouer vrou met ‘n streng gesig. Sy lyk bekend, maar Greg kan nie onthou waar hy haar al tevore gesien het nie.
[Plank points out an older woman with a stern face. She looks familiar, but Greg can’t remember where he’s seen her before]
‘n Dronk student beledig vir Greg; wat sê hy? (Chp 4)
(A drunken student insults Greg; what does he say?)
Hy sê dat Greg die loser is wat sy pa weggegee het.
[He says that Greg is the loser who gave up his father]
Hoe staan Greg indirek bekend? (Chp 4)
(How is Greg indirectly known?)
Greg staan indirek bekend as die Candlestick-maker se seun.
[Greg is indirectly known as the Candlestick-maker’s son]
In watter rigting studeer Greg? Watter rigting sou sy pa eerder verkies het? (Chp 5)
(What field is Greg studying in? Which direction would his father have preferred?)
Greg studeer Sportwetenskap, maar sy pa sou verkies het dat hy in ‘n besigheidsrigting studeer.
[Greg is studying Sports Science, but his father would have preferred that he study in a business field]
Watter simboliek sien Greg in die granietbankie waarop TRUST stann? (‘n kunswerk van Willem Boshoff) (Chp 5)
(What symbolism does Greg see in the granite bench on which TRUST stands? (an artwork by Willem Boshoff)
Die kunswerk laat Greg dink aan sy vertroue in Xander Gericke, alias Eckardt Wilken, wat verbreek is.
[The artwork reminds Greg of his broken trust in Xander Gericke, alias Eckardt Wilken]
Wie is Lisa en wie is Oom Dirk? Hoekom dink jy tree die ouer man moontlik so op? (Chp 5)
(Who is Lisa and who is Uncle Dirk? Why do you think the older man might be acting this way?)
Lisa is Plank se meisie en Oom Dirk is haar pa. Oom Dirk tree so op omdat hy Greg herken as Chris Owen se seun.
[Lisa is Plank’s girlfriend, and Uncle Dirk is her father. Uncle Dirk acts this way because he recognizes Greg as Chris Owen’s son]
Watter mense het Greg die afgelope tyd herken? (Chp 6)
(What people have recognised Greg lately?)
Die vrou by die gastehuis, die dronk student by die straatfees, en Lisa se pa.
[The woman at the guesthouse, the drunk student at the street festival, and Lisa’s father]
Wat besluit Greg en wat openbaar dit van sy karakter? (Chp 6)
(What does Greg decide and what does it reveal about his character?)
Greg besluit dat hy dit nie daar gaan laat nie en dat hy sal sorg dat die Baker gevang word. Dit openbaar dat hy ‘n sterk karakter het.
[Greg decides he won’t let it go and that he will make sure the Baker is caught. This reveals that he has a strong character]
Watter ander belangrike besluit maak Greg ook, wat sy lewe baie gaan verander? Motiveer jou antwoord. (Chp 6)
(What other important decision does Greg make that will greatly change his life? Motivate your answer.)
Hy besluit dat hy die Baker gaan soek. Hiermee stel Greg sy eie lewe in gevaar.
[He decides to search for the Baker. In doing so, Greg puts his own life in danger]
Wie is die Butcher, die Baker en die Candlestick-maker en wat het met elkeen gebeur? (Chp 6)
(Who are the Butcher, the Baker and the Candlestick Maker and what happened to each?)
Die Butcher is Dok Pienaar, Lawson se skoolhoof, en die Candlestick-maker is Greg se pa, die media-magnaat Chris Owen. Die Baker het weggekom. Die Butcher en die Candlestick-maker is in die tronk.
[The Butcher is Doc Pienaar, Lawson’s school principal, and the Candlestick-maker is Greg’s father, the media mogul Chris Owen. The Baker got away. The Butcher and the Candlestick-maker are in prison]
Wat weet Greg van die Baker? Noem drie woorde om die persoon te beskryf. (Chp 7)
(What does Greg know about the Baker? Name three words to describe the person.)
Hy is moontlik manlik, intelligent, drakennis van virologie en was deel van Project Nursery Rhyme.
[He is possibly male, intelligent, carries knowledge of virology and was part of Project Nursery Rhyme]
Watter soektogte doen Greg om die Baker te probeer vind? (Chp 7)
(What searches does Greg do to try to find the Baker?)
Greg doen soektogte op Google na koerantberigte. Hy kry uiteindelik ‘n foto van sy pa saam met ‘n ander man.
[Greg does searches on Google for newspaper articles. He finally finds a picture of his father with another man]
Wie is die man in die foto saam sy pa? Hoekom vermoed hy dat dit dalk die Baker kan wees. (Chp 7)
(Who is the man in the photo with his father? Why does he suspect that it might be the Baker.)
Die man in die foto is Dr. Rian Trollip. Greg onthou dat die man en sy vrou by hulle aan huis was by ‘n onthaal.
[The man in the photo is Dr. Rian Trollip. Greg remembers that the man and his wife were at their house at a reception]
Waavoor is die dokter in hegtenis geneem en wat was sy uiteinde? (Chp 7)
(What was the doctor arrested for and what was his end?)
Dokter Trollip was by kinderpornografie betrokke; is gevonnis en het homself in sy tronksel opgehang.
[Doctor Trollip was involved in child pornography; was sentenced and hanged himself in his prison cell]
Wat is die Wayback Machine en hoe wil Greg dit gebruik? (Chp 7)
(What is the Wayback Machine and how does Greg want to use it?)
Die Wayback Machine is ‘n internet-argief van ou webblaaie. Gebruik dit om inligting oor Rian Trollip te kry.
[The Wayback Machine is an internet archive of old web pages. Use it to get information about Rian Trollip]
Waarom dink jy soek Greg na inligting oor dr. Trollip? Wat wil hy uitvind? (Chp 8)
(Why do you think Greg is looking for information about dr. Trollip? What does he want to find out?)
Hy probeer uitvind of dr. Trollip die Baker was.
[He tries to find out if Dr. Trollip was the Baker]
Hoe kry hy inligting oor mevrou Trollip? (Chp 8)
(How does he get information about Mrs. Trollip?)
Hy jok vir mevrou Trollip en sê hy is op soek na iemand wat kennis het van farmakologie.
[He lies to Mrs. Trollip and says he is looking for someone with knowledge of pharmacology]
Wat het Greg vergeet van sy opleding in sosiale manipulering? (Chp 8)
(What did Greg forget about his training in social manipulation?)
Hy het vergeet dat jy moet lieg en bedrieg.
[He forgot that you have to lie and cheat]
Watter skokkende inligting verskaf sy (mev. Trollip) oor haar man? (Chp 8)
(What shocking information does she provide about her husband?)
Sy vertel hom dat haar man ‘n duiwel was wat kinders gemolesteer het.
[She tells him that her husband was a devil who molested children]
Waarom het Oom Dirk oorspronklik so teen Greg in hoofstuk 5 opgetree? (Chp 9)
(Why did Uncle Dirk originally act this way against Greg in chapter 5?)
Hy het geweet van Greg se agtergrond en as gevolg van hom het sy pa se reputasie beoordeel.
[He knew about Greg’s background and because of him assessed his father’s reputation]
Hoekom dink hy dat sy optrede onregverdig was? (Chp 9)
(Why does he think that his actions were unfair?)
Hy het Greg kom opsoek om hom mee te deel dat hy hom nie kan veroordeel oor die dinge wat sy pa gedoen het nie.
[He came to see Greg to tell him that he couldn’t judge him for the things his father had done]
Wat wil hy van Greg weet en watter raad gee hy aan hom? (Chp 9)
(What does he want to know from Greg and what advice does he give him?)
Hy wil weet of Greg nog met kuberkraak besig is en sê dat hy dit moet los.
[He wants to know if Greg is still hacking and tells him to let it go]
Verskaf Oom Dirk se motivering en die gevolge wat sy werk op sy gesondheid gehad het. (Chp 9)
(Provide Uncle Dirk’s motivation and the effects his work had on his health.)
Oom Dirk was in die polisie en weet wat die donker wêreld van die web aan mense gedoen het. Die stres het hom gedwing om af te tree.
[Uncle Dirk was in the police and knows what the dark world of the web has done to people. The stress forced him to retire]
Wat word per koerier afgelaai? (Chp 10)
(What is dropped off by courier?)
’n Koevert met die woorde: “Miskien sal dit jou help om die Baker op te spoor.”
[An envelope with the words: “Maybe this will help you track down the Baker.”]
Noem twee artikels wat in die pakkie is. (Chp 10)
(Name two articles that are in the package.)
Die twee artikels in die pakkie is ‘n nota en ’n gebrande boek.
[The two items in the package is the note and burnt book]
Wat staan in die brief? Waarom is die boodskap, volgens jou, so vreemd? (Chp 10)
(What is in the letter? Why do you think the message is so strange?)
“Miskien sal dit jou help om die Baker op te spoor.” Dis vreemd omdat dit beteken dat iemand anders dan die waarheid weet.
[“Maybe this will help you track down the Baker.” It’s strange because it implies that someone else knows the truth]
Die artikel is erg beskadig. Wat kon dit moontlik veroorsaak het? (Chp 10)
(The article is badly damaged. What could possibly have caused it?)
Dit lyk of dit deur vuur beskadig is.
[It appears to be damaged by fire]
Wat dui die diagram moontlik aan? (Chp 10)
(What does the diagram possibly indicate?)
Veel later vind Greg uit dat die diagram lyk soos die chemiese struktuur vir Mandrax.
[Much later, Greg discovers that the diagram looks like the chemical structure for Mandrax.]
Waarvan raak Greg, deur middel van Plank, bewus? Motiveer jou antwoord. (Chp 10)
(What does Greg become aware of, through Plank? Motivate your answer.)
Plank stel Greg in kennis dat sy woonstel dopgehou word. (motorfietsryer)
[Plank informs Greg that his apartment is being watched. (motorbiker)]