Cholesterol Metabolism Flashcards
Main function of cholesterol
What 3 things do cholesterol synthesize
Structural component in cell membrane (helps control fluidity)
Steroid hormones, bile acids, and vitamin D
What is the biggest source of cholesterol
De novo synthesis
Which cells in the body require cholesterol
All of them since it is a major component of cell membranes
- Main site of de novo cholesterol synthesis
2. 4 other places where de novo cholesterol synthesis occurs
- Liver
2. Adrenal cortex, skin, placenta, and testes/ovaries
Starting molecule for cholesterol synthesis
Acetyl CoA
What other two things are required to start cholesterol synthesis
Citrate (to shuttle acetyl CoA from mitochondria to cytoplasm) and NADPH
What is the main idea of the first two steps of cholesterol synthesis
Both steps involve adding a CoA
2 major steps to know about in cholesterol synthesis are doing what?
- Synthesis of HMG CoA (6 carbons)
2. Formation of mevalonate (6 carbons)
What is the rate limiting enzyme in cholesterol synthesis
What is clinically significant about it
HMG CoA reductase (turns HMG CoA to mevalonic acid)
Statin drugs target this
What kind of inhibitor are statins to HMG CoA reductase?
What does this type of inhibitor do to Km/Vmax
~what happens with noncompetitive inhibition
Km increases, Vmax unchanged
~Km unchanged, Vmax decreases
What is the next significant thing to be formed after mevalonic acid
2 of these condense to form
Farnesyl pyrophosphate (15 carbons)
Squalene (30 carbons)
Squalene is converted to
What two things need to happen in order for lanosterol to be converted to cholesterol
Shortening of carbon chain from 30-27; requires 7-dehydrocholesterol reductase (formed by farnesyl)
Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome (SLOS) is a defect in ?
Defect in this enzyme causes?
7-dehydrocholesterol reductase
Increase in vitamin D (7-dehydrocholesterol reductase converts 7-dehydrocholesterol into cholesterol. 7-dehydrocholesterol is precursor for vitamin D, so if it is not being converted to cholesterol, vitamin D will be made in excess)
~increased levels of 7-dehydrocholesterol/ vitamin D and decreased levels of plasma cholesterol
Clinical findings in SLOS
Microcephaly, distinctive faces, cleft palate, organ malformations, syn/polydactyly, fork toe, and genital abnormalities
How is SLOS treated
With statins
Farnesyl pyrophosphate is building blocks for which 3 biological molecules
Dolichol, heme A, and ubiquinone
- Where is dolichol used
2. Where are Heme A and Ubiquinone used?
- N-linked oligosaccharide synthesis/ lipid anchors proteins in intracellular membranes
Difference in energy state of the body for cholesterol synthesis / ketone body synthesis
What enzyme does each use thats different
Cholesterol happens in well fed, ketone bodies happens in fasting
Cholesterol= cytoplasmic HMG CoA synthase Ketone= mitochondrial HMG CoA synthase
What is prenylation of proteins
Attaches proteins to any surface
When would dolichol, heme a, ubiquinone and prenylation of proteins be reduced
Anything that blocks HMG CoA reductase will reduce amount of these intermediates - myoglobinuria
What else can happen if HMG CoA reductase is blocked?
Rhadomyolysis- excess muscle breakdown