Choice Theory Flashcards
Choice theory:
What does crime data tell us ?
Why do people choose crime ?
What is rational choice theory ? What fear can control or prevent criminals from doing crime
1) crime data tells us that most offenders Are males who separate themselves from crime when mature
- most of adult crimes are committed by few persistent offenders
2) peopl choose to do crime because they find it rewarding satisfying easy or fun if it benefits them
3) choice theory is a theory that criminals are rational decision makers and their behavior can be controlled or prevented by fear punishment
The development of classical theory:
Cesare Beccare believe in :
Bentham believed :
Example of rational choice theory
Beccare believed that all people possess free will and use it to make rational decision wether for criminal or non-criminal, acts and without the fear and certainty of severe punishment for those criminal acts people will continue to commit crimes
Bentham believed that : punishment is only justified if it promises to prevent greater evil than it creates
Example : if criminal sees an open window in apartment building he will
Make the rational decision that breaking in through the window has made it easier for him
Example : if criminal sees an open window in apartment building he will
Make the rational decision that breaking in through the window has made it easier for him
What happened in 1789
Who adopted these ideas ?and in what declaration ?
What did Canada’s charter of rights and freedoms section 12 incorporat?
1) 1789 Beccaria and Bentham theory was embraced in Europe
2) Frances post revolutionary government adopted these in the “ declaration of the rights of the man “
3) everyone has the right not to be subjected of any cruel and unusual treatment or punishment
Does crime pay ?
Some cases criminals estimated they could earn 2674$ per month from crime when in reality they’d earn 230$
- instead of being excluded from job market criminals are more likely to be underemployed than unemployed
The concepts of rational choice :
According to the rational choice approach law violations behavior occurs when criminals look at 2 factors ?
Criminal behavior occurs when an offender decides to commit a crime after looking at two factors
1 ) personal factors crime will benefit there personal •needs for money •revenge • thrill • entertainment
2) situational factors
•how well there target is protected
• the efficiency of the local police force
Difference between
Offense-Specific Crime:
Offender-Specific Crime
Offense specific crime :
The view that an offender reacts selectively to the characteristics of a particular criminal act
Offender-Specific Crime:
The view that offenders evaluate their skills, motives, needs, and fears before deciding to commit the criminal act
Difference between crime and criminality
Crime is an event
Criminality is a personal trait
Structuring crime :
Choosing the place for crime two things need to be taken into consideration
Why is the middle of a long block the best choice for crime ?
1) evaluating desirability of the sales area
2) the middle of long block is the best choice because can see everything coming from both directions
Structuring crime ?
What time do burglars prefer working between and why?
Bewteen 9 am she 11am and in mid afternoon because parents are either working or picking up / dropping off kids at school
Suitable targets ?
Which places are more likely to be burglarized ? 3 places
1) corner homes near traffic lights or stop signs
2) places that are convenient, familiar and near accessible and open areas
3) center of a city
Capable guardians ?
What would make burglars avoids certain targets ?
If they feel that police are the area or if neighbors might be suspicious
Motivated criminals:
Crime rate are related to what ?
To the number of motivated criminals in the population = teenage males , drug users , unemployed adults
Primary prevention:
What actions have been taken place to reduce criminal acts ?
Neighborhood watch
-block parents
Are street crimes rational ?
Yes example
Yes in Brooklyn sex workers would refused to partake in sex that would compromise there safety = without condom , trading sex for drugs
Can violence be rational?
Yes example
Yes example robbers choose victims who are vulnerable and don’t pose a threat
What are the deductions of crime ?
People will be seduced by crime if they don’t fear losing respect of peers or being convicted of crime