Choice of Law Flashcards
A choice of law issue may arise if two conditions are satisfied. What are they?
(1) The claim involves factual connections to multiple states
(2) The multiple states will have different laws leading to different results
What is the general rule regarding which state’s laws will govern?
The governing law is that delayed by the forum court
According to its choice or law approach
And assuming no applicable constitutional or statutory restrictions apply.
What are the two EXCEPTIONS to the choice of law approach?
(1) Diversity cases in Federal Court — the Court applies the choice of law in the STATE IN WHICH IT SITS
(2) Transferred Diversity cases — When a case is transferred within the Federal system, the Federal Court applies the choice of law approach or the TRANSFEROR COURT
Which two RESTRICTIONS may limit the forum court’s choice of law approach?
(1) CONSTITUTIONAL: Due Process and Full Faith and Credit. — Constitution restricts using a state law that has NO significant contact with and/or legitimate interest in the litigation.
(2) STATUTORY: If Forum State has a statute directing the choice of law, apply that rule and not the usual choice of law approach (Borrowing Statute)
If a bar exam question present facts indicating that the forum state lacks contact with the parties or subject matter of the action what is the issue that you’re likely being tested on?
Personal jurisdiction rather than the constitutional limitations of choice of law
What are the three main analytical approaches for determining choice of law?
(1) Vested rights approach of the First Restatement
(2) The Most Significant Relationship approach of the Second Restatement
(3) Interest Analysis Approach
Part 1: The Vesting Rights Approach means what?
Part 2: That law is determined how?
You apply the law of the State mandated by the applicable vesting rule.
The rule is selected according to the relevant substantive area of law.
What is the rule regarding the application of the Most Significant Relationship Approach (the Second Restatement)?
You apply the law if the state which is most significantly related to the outcome of the case/litigation.
To determine this, the court will consider connecting facts and policy principles.
In analysing the Most Significant Relationship Approach, what’s the 4 step approach you should adopt in your essay?
- Discuss connecting facts
- Discuss policy principles
- Choose governing law based on which of the states has the more significant relationship
- Apply that state’s law to determine the outcome.
What is the rule regarding Interest Analysis?
The court will consider which states have a legitimate interest in the outcome of the litigation
Forum courts will apply its own law if it has legitimate interest
If not it will apply the law of another interested state.
What are the 4 steps you need to analyse in order to determine the result of the Interest Analysis?
- Discuss which states have a legitimate interest
- Categorise the type of conflict
— False conflict
— True conflict - Choose a governing law based on the type of conflict
- Apply the governing law to determine the results
Regarding the Interest Analysis, if both states have a “true conflict” what will the forum state do?
And if it finds that a legitimate interest applies, what will it do?
Reconsider its own policies
Apply it’s own law.
Regarding the Interest Analysis, if both states have a conflict, but after considering its own policies, the forum state decides that it doesn’t have a legitimate interest, what will it do?
Dismiss the case if forum non conveniens is available
If not, it can apply the law of the interested State or the State that most closely resembles its own law.
With regard to a tort claim, what is the Vesting rule?
Governing law is where the injury took place.
For the Second Restatement (Most Significant Relationship) approach to a Tort-related question, what analysis should you do?
Consider factual connections, like: place of injury, place where parties are at home, their place of business, etc.
Policy Connections: meaning policies of the forum state and the connecting state.
For the Interest Analysis approach to a Tort-related question, what analysis should you do?
Consider factual connections, like: place of injury, place where parties are at home, their place of business, etc.
Policy Connections: meaning policies of the forum state and the connecting state.
With regard to a tort question, the governing law is most likely to be based on what?
The state where the injury took place
Typically, the key factor in determining which state’s laws to apply in a Tort case will be the place of injury. But there is an exception of two conditions are met. What are they?
Loss Distribution Rules — e.g. (1) loss limitations or damages caps, (2) vicarious liability, or (3) immunity rules
The parties share a common domicile
If one of the tort exceptions to the general rule that the place of injury is key apply, what is the result?
Apply the law of the common domicile.
Choice of law rules will be displaced where a contract contains a choice of law clause, or what?
The provision will be valid if its EXPRESS
In which 3 circumstances will a contractual choice of law provision typically be invalid?
(1) the choice of law has no reasonable relationship to the contract
(2) Lack of true mutual assent (e.g. misrepresentation about the content of the law)
(3) contrary to public policy
What is the choice of law analysis if a contract case is asking about the Vesting Rule?
Question concerns contract FORMATION = apply the law of the place of execution
Question concerns contract PERFORMANCE = apply the law of the place of performance
What is the Second Restatement Factual connections and Policy connections for determining choice of law in contract cases?
Factual connections = (1) place of contracting, (2) place of negotiations, (3) place of performance, (4) place of contract subject matter, and (5) place of domicile/incorporation of the parties.
Policy connections = consider (1). relevant policies of the forum state, (2) relevant policies of the connecting state, and (3) reasonable expectations of the parties.
When analysing the choice of law rule for REAL property, both the First and Second Restatement will apply which state’s law?
The law of the situs (wherever the real property was located)
When analysing the choice of law rule for PERSONAL property (inter vivos transfers), both the First and Second Restatement will apply which state’s law?
Look at the law of the situs at the time of the transaction
When analysing the choice of law rule for PERSONAL property (transfer through inheritance), both the First and Second Restatement will apply which state’s law?
The law if the decedent’s domicile at the time of death.
What is the choice of law rule regarding MARRIAGE?
A marriage if valid where performed will be valid everywhere.
But if a person temporarily moves to another state to marry in a way that wouldn’t have been recognised by their home state, then the marriage won’t be recognised (because it violates the Prohibitory Rule).
Directory rules regarding marriage are what? Will failure to follow these rules render the marriage invalid?
They’re administrative (like obtaining a marriage license or having parental consent).
Failure to abide by these won’t render the marriage invalid in the state of domicile.
What are Prohibitory Rules when it comes the rendering a marriage invalid?
Those which express a strong public policy of the state (like rules against incest, minimum age requirements etc.)
Choice of law questions about the grounds for divorce will be governed by which state’s laws?
The law of the plaintiff’s domicile (i.e. the forum state)
Choice of law questions about a child’s legitimacy will be governed by which state’s laws?
Legitimacy of a child is governed by the law of the mother’s domicile at the time of birth.
But subsequent acts of legitimation are governed by the father’s domicile.
What are the two defences when it comes to applying the choice of law rules?
(1) PUBLIC POLICY — forum court won’t apply law that’s against its fundamental public policy.
Note: this is not the same as recognition of judgments!
(2) PROCEDURAL RULES — the forum court will always apply its own procedural rule.
What are the forum court’s procedural rules which will override a choice of law consideration?
- Civil procedure rules (general)
- Burden of proof
- Rebuttable presumptions
- Statute of limitations (general)
- Direct action statutes
- Ability to bring a counterclaim
- Privileges
What are examples of substantive laws that won’t be procedural and therefore won’t override the choice of law analysis that the forum court needs to undertake?
- Civil procedure that would change the outcome
- Irrebuttable Presumptions
- Statute of Limitations that condition a substantive right/limit a contractual right
- Borrowing Statutes
- Statute of Fraud
- Parole Evidence
- Contribution among joint tortfeasors
- Survival action
- Adverse possession
- Damages