Chocolat Flashcards
What does Denis shun by making the film?
a fast paced narrative, it instead represents a free flowing ilm from a child’s perspective
how do panning a flashbacks help to create?
a level of circularity in the film
the beauty lies in…
the power of suggestion which stems from the lack of character dramatisation and little cause and effect relationships
example of the presentation of space between proté and Aimée
when the hyenas come she asks proté to stay close, especially as their husband is away
how is the young girl comfortable around proté
teaching her the body parts, at the school, carries her on his shoulders
an example of the contrast between the dark and light in the film
during the first few scenes of the film we don’t often see the black people out of the dark, if they are it is in a space for public viewing
also when the maid and France are looking out the window
What does the maid say about the Englishman and what does this say about her view on colonialism?
‘your englishman is more beautiful when he is dressed’
France replies saying he is not mine
Suggests that the colonised think that the French own everyone but also the fact that Britain tries to hide its secrets
what does the Englishman calling for his slave suggest about the english empire/ colonists in general?
that they depend heavily on the natives and their resources to keep them strong and stable
even they, the great powers, can be vulnerable too
when the English man leaves what happens between Aimée and Proté?
she senses him, the camera pans to show Aimée in the light
What genre was Denis’ film from and what was a main feature?
the heritage genre, it was underpinned by a deep sense of nostalgia
What does the domestic sphere allow the director to discuss more?
the hierarchies and relations between characters
What does the director encourage by putting a flashback at the centre of the film?
encourages the audience to reflect on the consequences of colonial rule
the two sequences at the start and end allow her to build a bridge
When the guests come for dinner how is distance shown between the guests and him?
he is called for from behind the curtains
no attention paid to him when he is pouring the coffee
Proté filmed at a long shot in the corner
Eventhough France shouldn’t be there she is
What does the texaco sign show?
exploitation of the colonies, in particular Cameroon
what happens at the final scene regarding the artwork
there are pieces of artwork which have been mass produced for the western market
What does Mungo say to France in the final scene which echoes the dangers of the colonial world?
go home before you get eaten alive
what does the vastness of the landscape at the start suggest about colonisation?
there a is natural vastness to Africa that has been untouched by colonialism
Metaphor for the unwanted stay of the colonial rulers
if the rain is early this year then the stranded pilots will be there for 4 more months
Aimée asks Proteé to bring her the fruit, but luc come to grab the fruit instead, he says halves to Aimé, could share her
What is the role of luc
exposes the sexual tension between Proté and Aimée
Also injects some energy in the film, their response of him is a cold one
What does the fight show between Proté and luc?
emphasises the frustration of the natives
lack of words also suggests their rather primitive way of life, but actually white men are just as bad
In the bedroom scene what is the significance of the camera shots?
the bed is in view, reinforces the colonial space in the image
the mirror is a reflection of their relationship, they get to see how it looks from other peoples perspective
first bit of emotion shown by Proté
when A takes a shower and he sees the water flowing out the bucket
what happens when luc arrives?
he arrives in a trailer full of black men, shows the physical imposition of the white man on a black society
an image that shows Aimée to be interested in Potré and not what luc has to say
when Potreé brings them lemonade but leaves and as he does Aimée turns to look at him go
How is France never where she should be?
In the generator room when she should be in bed
Example of early gaze of France
she is looking as the Cameroon men fix the car
and in general functioning as a society post colonisation
What is France’s reaction to Aimée picking a knife and what does this show?
She looks shocked, they have been shielded perhaps from the violent colonial side of life. Don’t see the weapons, this can also be seen when they are at the cemetery and Frances asks about the war
Example of french colonial heritage imposition
the use of names such as Robespierre
Irony example
the only place that Aimée can be alone is when she is in the shower, it is ironic because Protée can never be alone, not even in the moments where he is naked in the shower
How does France treat Protée?
Well in general and they clearly get on well, however she is disgusted when he eats the ant- she is really just saying that their culture disgusts her- an example of all whites failure to try to understand the black culture- luc should be commended for trying to integrate into society there, even he has no success, so either way colonialism was doomed
How do white people see blacks, as convenience?
When delpich tries to get a ride away it shows how they see the colonised as purely convenient.
wha is a central question behind chocolat?
is desire always informed by the colonial sphere?
can you hide anything in the colonial world?
what is evidence of mans attitude towards trying to assert himself?
the man says he will have the road widened- the film thus reminds us of the absurd nature of the white thinking