Chloroplasts and Photosynthetic Pigments Flashcards
name the components of the chloroplast
outer membrane, inner membrane, inter-membrane space, lamellae, grana, thylakoid, stroma and DNA.
how big is a chloroplast?
2-10 um long
inter membrane space is 10-20 nm
describe the membranes of the chloroplast
Each of the envelope membranes is a phospholipid bilayer
The outer membrane is permeable to a range of ions and small molecules
The inner membrane contains transport proteins that only allow certain molecules or ions to enter or leave the chloroplast
what is the stroma?
cytosol-like fluid
contains enzymes, starch grains,CO2, sugars, oil droplets, 70s ribosomes and DNA
what is the function of DNA in the stroma?
contains genes that code for some of the proteins needed for photosynthesis and the proteins are assembled at the chloroplast ribosomes
what is the grana?
stacks of thylakoid membranes some of the thylakoids may be connected with thylakoids in a different granum by intergranal lamellae
Describe two ways in which grana is adapted to its function
contain, (named) pigment (molecules) / photosystems;
contain, (named) electron carriers / ETC / ATP synth(et)ase;
idea that has a large surface area (in a small volume) for, light absorption / light dependent reaction(s) / light dependent stage / electron transport
how do the photosystems stay in place?
by proteins embedded in the thylakoid membranes
how are the photosynthetic pigments arranged in the thylakoid membranes?
light-harvesting clusters known as photosystems
what shape is the photosystem?
where is chlorophyll a in the photosystem?
the primary pigment reaction centre
what is the primary photosynthetic pigment?
Chlorophyll a
what are the two different types of chlorophyll a and where are they found?
P680 which has a peak absorption at wavelength of 680nm and found in photosystem II
P700 which has a peak absorption at wavelength of 700nm and found in photosystem I
what colour does chlorophyll a absorb?
both absorb red light but reflect green light so plants appear green
some chlorophyll a absorbs some blue light at 440nm
what is the structure of chlorophyll a?
a porphyrin group which contains a magnesium atom and a long hydrocarbon atom