Chinese August 2021 VIII Flashcards
you haven’t seen that show?
jie (2) shu (4)
ni nandao mei kan guo nage jiemu ma?
he never though this thing would be so complicated
shi (4) qing
ta mei xiang dao zhe jian (4) shiqing jingran zhenme fuza
i didn’t think that show would be so boring
wu (2) liao (2)
wo mei xiangdao nage jie (2) mu (4) jingran zhenme wu liao
i didn’t think this show would be this brilliant
jing (1) cai (3)
wo mei xiangdao nage jie mu jing ran zhenme jing cai
he doesn’t even believe dr long
ta lian (2) long daifu dou bu xiangxin
you’re surprisingly so careless
ni jing (1) ran (2) zhenme cu (1) xin (1)
not only….but also (2)
great wall is not only famous but also beautiful
bu (4) dan (3) er (2) qie (3)
bu (4) jin (3)….hai (2)
changcheng bujin hen youming hai hen piaoliang
the main form
cars are the main form of transport in beijing
yi (3)…….wei (4) zhu (3)
beijing de jiaotong yi qiche weixzhu
tea is the most common beverage in china
rice is the main staple food in china
zhongguo ren de yin (3) liao (4) yi cha weizhu
zhongguo ren de zhu (3) shi (2) yi mi (3) fan weizhu
regarding chinese’s situation….does your prof know a lot?
guan (1) yu (3)
guanyu zhonguo de qingkuang, ni de laoshi zhidao de duo ma?
qi (4) hou (4)
food/drink (diet in general)
do you know a lot about chinese diet?
yin (3) shi (2)
guanyu zhongguo de yinshi ni zhidao de duo ma?
cars are the main form of transport in beijing
jiao (1) tong (1)
beijing de jiaotong yi (3) qiche wei (2) zhu (3)
my classmate knows a lot about chinese diet
guanyu zhongguo de yin (3) shi (2) wo de tongzxue zhidao de hen duo
from shanghai to beijing the climate difference is not large
qu (1) bie (2)
you (2) shanghai dao (4) beijin qihou de qubien be da
area (sq foot)
mian (4) ji (1)
bai (3) fen (1) zhi (1)
london’s area is 30 percent of beijing
lun (2) dun (1) de mianji shi shanghai de baifenzhi san shi
england’s population is 15% of usa
yingguo de ren kuo shi mei guo de baifenzhi shi wu
times (multiple)
bei (4)
san (1) bei