China/India Flashcards
Good or bad deeds
Group of semi-nomadic people
Group that passed into the Indus River Valley
Sacred Literature of Aryans
Social organization in Ancient India
Caste System
Release of selfishness and pain
Religion that grew slowly overtime with no one founder
Highest on India’s Caste System
Second to the top on India’s Caste System
Third under the second highest on India’s Caste System
Above the bottom level on India’s Caste System
Sudras/Non-Aryan Workers
Bottom of India’s Caste System
Four Dynasties of Classical China in Chronological Order
Shang, Zhou, Qin, Han
These were used to consult the gods
Oracle Bones
Windblown minerals that produced rich soil after the Huang He flooded (China’s word for silt)
Contributions or inventions of the Shang Dynasty included…
Chariots, weapons, bronze, and silk
The desert to the north of China
Gobi desert
The mountains to the south of China
Himalaya Mountains
The Ocean to the East
Pacific Ocean
The desert to the West
Taklamakan desert
The name of the action the gods decide who rules
Mandate of Heaven
Founder of Buddhism
Siddhartha Gautama
Siddhartha Gautama left the walls of the palace and saw four men…
Old man, sick man, dead man, poor man
Enlightenment means…
Siddhartha Gautama becomes..
The only way to end suffering is to..
give up all desires
First noble truth
Everything in life is suffering or has sorrow
Second noble truth
People’s wants/desires=suffering
Third noble truth
Stop wanting
Fourth noble truth
Follow the Eight Fold Path
Who was at the top of Qin’s hit list
Why were teachers at the top of Qin’s hit list
They were important and knew a lot of things like history.
Who united China
Nobles were…
Who could read oracle bones
What did untouchables do for work
butchers, gravediggers, and garbage workers
Brought buddhism to Indian Empire
Respect for Elders
Filial Piety
Those who run the government
Civil Service
The Way (Dao)
This System Rewards those who complete their duties well/punishment for the people who complete their duties badly
Major Belief of Buddhism
Eightfold Pathway
Ruled China for more than 400 years
Han Dynasty
Pass in the Hindu Kush Mountains
Khyber Pass
Bay surrounding the southeast section of India
Bay of Bengal
Sea surrounding the southwest section of India
Arabian Sea
Ocean south of India
Indian Ocean
River in eastern India
Ganges RIver
River in Western India
Indus River
Mountains in northern India
Himalaya Mountains
Plateau in eastern China above the Himalaya Mountains
Plateau of Tibet
River going through the middle of China
Yangtze River
River going through northern China
Huang He River (Yellow River)
Sea touching korea and the eastern side of China
Yellow Sea