Children Skin Conditions Flashcards
Describe how measles may present (5)
- Acute fever
- Koplik (white) spots in the mouth
- Red rash that starts behind the ears and works its way down
- Conjunctivitis
- Coryza (a lot of catarrhal inflammation of nasal mucous membrane)
Describe how Scarlet fever may appear (6)
- Acute fever
- Fine, pale red maculo-papulo rash that turns into a scarlet rash after 1-2 days
- Rash begins on the neck then spreads to the rest of the body (groin, axilla)
- Strawberry tongue (bright red tongue with enlarged papillae)
- Non-blanching petechiae/Pastia’s lines typically found at body creases (popliteal fossa, antecubital fossa)
- Red cheeks with peri-oral pallor
Describe how Rubella may appear (2)
- Acute fever
- Non-confluent, pink, maculopapular rash that begins behind the ears and works its way down
Describe how Erythema infectiosum may appear (3)
- Acute fever
- (2nd) Red papules develop on the extremities and trunk that then form a lace-like reticular formation
- (1st) Red rash appears on cheeks that join together to form swollen, warm plaques - slapped cheeks
Measles is a self limiting disease that should resolve in about 1 week. Pt should stay at home for at least 4 days after the rash appears (as they are contagious).
Diarrhoea is one complication of measles. Name 6 other complications of measles.
- Croup
- Encephalitis
- Still birth
- SSPE Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis
- Bronchopneumonia
- Transient hepatitis
Discuss how Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis appears.
Pt will get seizures, behavioural and intellectual change years after having a measles infection. This will be as a result of persistent measles infection.