Children in Contemporary Britain Flashcards
Familes have become more child-centred
Amount of time parents spend with children has more than doubled since 1960s
Often children’s welfare seen as main family priority
Causes of Child-Centredness
Higher Living Standards
Increased affluence - higher wages + standard of living benefits children
More money to spend on their upkeep + activities
Causes of Child-Centredness
Welfare State Support for Children
Wide range of benefits to support parents + increased demands on parents to look after children properly
Social workers - greater power to intervene on behalf of children, power to remove children not cared for
Causes of Child-Centredness
Children’s Legal Rights
UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989) - International standard for protecting and promoting the rights of children
Children’s Acts (1989 +2004) established children’s legal rights in UK
Causes of Child-Centredness
Minister for Children and Children’s Commissioner
Exists to champion views of children, and protect and promote their interests
Causes of Child-Centredness
Paediatrics and Emphasis on Parenting Skills
Developed rapidly in 20th century
Wide range of research + popular books suggesting how to parent/encourage development
Nurturing and protection of children seen as central + education valued
TV programmes like Supernanny show how to parent
Causes of Child-Centredness
Early Years Education and Compulsory Schooling
Education seen as vital party of family life
Extension of childhood through dependence on parents for tuition fees + abolition of grants
Children better educated + mix with other children, so more assertive and knowledgeable dealing with parents
Causes of Child-Centredness
Growing Parental Fears For Child Safety
Fears over ‘stranger danger’
Perception of risk of assault or abduction + growing traffic dangers mean children travel more with parents
Aren’t left alone as much
Causes of Child-Centredness
Smaller Families
Families smaller since end of 19th century - more individual care + attention for each child
Causes of Child-Centredness
Children’s Consumer Market
Businesses like Mothercare, Nike, publishers, music industry etc focus on new child market
Encourage children to consume + parents to spend
Margo - Children taking greater control over family spending, 7-11 lucrative target market through ‘pester power’
Causes of Child-Centredness
Shorter Working Week
19th century, typical working week between 70 and 80 hours for w/c
Now, 43 hours (including overtime) + getting shorter
More time to spend with children