Childhood Language Disorders Flashcards
Alicia is a fourth-grade student with a language impairment that interferes with her academic performance and social communication. On a standardized test of expressive language ability, she received an overall score of 97.5, placing her in the 65thsixty fifth percentile. Alicia’s test result indicates that she..
The minimal pair approach is used to treat…?
During a trip to the grocery store, a three-year-old boy with delayed language points to an apple on the floor and says to his mother, “Apple.” The boy’s mother says, “Yes, that’s a big, shiny apple.”
Based on the mother’s response, which of the following language stimulation techniques is she using?
Which of the following procedures is most important for an SLPS L P to consider when assessing the social aspect of a school-age child’s communication skills?
The parents of an 8-year-old boy who stutters are upset because their child was placed in the lowest reading group at school because of his poor performance on an oral reading fluency assessment in the classroom. The parents are very sure that their child is reading at an average to above-average level compared to his classmates. The SLP’sS L P’s informal observations of the boy’s reading performance during fluency therapy sessions are consistent with the pare
Which of the following activities is an example of a metalinguistic strategy used to assist a student with language difficulties?
A 24-year-old male self-refers for a fluency evaluation. His presenting complaint is stuttering. During conversation at the initial assessment, he speaks intelligibly at a typical rate and produces no overt stutter-like disfluencies. He reports that he often expects to stutter while conversing, but that he usually can prevent or conceal the occurrence of the expected fluency disruptions either by substituting a word or by inserting a pause or “um” before the word upon which he expects to be disfluent. He states that these strategies are useful and that he would like to be able to “talk without thinking about talking.” He reports that he attended speech therapy from elementary school through high school and that it helped him reduce disfluency significantly during therapy activities, but his disfluency frequency did not change much during activities outside of therapy. He fears that coworkers will react negatively to hearing him stutter. Consequently, he talks as little as possible at work.
A child has been demonstrating significant progress in producing the targeted responses in the therapy room; however, observation in the classroom indicates little mastery of the targeted responses. Which of the following would be the most appropriate revision to the treatment plan?
A child with developmental apraxia of speech is not making progress in a school setting. The parents wish to schedule additional therapy. An SLPS L P in a local clinic evaluates and determines that a more individualized treatment plan is warranted. Which of the following actions is most appropriate for the SLPS L P at the local clinic to take to ensure the child receives necessary treatment?
During the course of treatment, as a child manipulates various toys in symbolic play, the clinician vocalizes the child’s actions (for example, “You’re putting the pan on the stove.”). The intervention technique used by the clinician is identified as