Childhood disorders: disruptive behavior disorders Flashcards
Disruptive behavior disorders are categorized by:
Externalizing v Internalizing
Development of trust:
Trust–> Need–>expression–> satisfaction
Failure of the development of trust can result in:
Symptoms of Conduct Disorder
-Lack of cause and effect thinking ❧Lack of conscience ❧Superficially engaging or charming ❧Destructive to others and material things ❧Cruelty to animals ❧May pose a danger to others
-**Poor peer relationships ❧Self destructive (accident prone) ❧May be seductive and have problems with sexual aggression ❧Not affectionate on parents terms ( not cuddly) ❧Preoccupation with fire
Conduct Disorder
=Repetitive pattern of behavior in which the basic rights of
others or societal norms are violated. Three or more
criteria in last 12 months. At least one criterion present in
the last 6 months
● Aggression to people or animals
• Bullies, fights
• Cruel to people or animals
• Forced sexual activity
● Destruction of property
• Fire setting, destroyed others property
● Deceitfulness or theft
• Cons others, shoplifting, breaking and entering
● Serious violations of rules
• Truant, runaway, out late against parental wishes
(Danger to others )
Some predisposing factors for CD
-Studies give range of 1-10% ❧Parental rejection or neglect ❧Inconsistent child rearing with harsh discipline ❧Physical or sexual abuse ❧Frequent change of caretakers ❧Early institutional living
DSM-5 criteria for Oppositional Defiant Disorder
A pattern of angry/irritable mood, argumentative/defiant behavior, vindictiveness lasting at least 6 months as evidenced by at least 4 Sx from any of the following categories, and exhibited during interaction with at least 1 individual who is not a sibling.
- Angry/Irritable mood:
- -often loses temper
- -often touchy or easily annoyed
- -often angry/resentful
- Argumentative/Defiant behavior:
- -often argues w authoritative figures, or for children/adolescents with adults
- -Often actively defies or refuses to comply with requests from authority figures or with rules
- -Often deliberately annoys others
- -Often blames others for his or her mistakes or misbehavior
Has been spiteful or vindictive at least twice within the past 6 months.
Oppositional Defiant Disorder:
*2-16% Prevalence
❧ Directed towards an authority figure
❧ Not always apparent in school or the community
❧ More apparent in interactions with familiar adults
and peers
❧ As preschool children they tend to be highly
reactive and not easily soothed
❧ See themselves as responding reasonably to
unreasonable demands
Sex Ratio of ODD/CD
❧ Generally sex differences in disruptive behavior disorders do not emerge prior to age 6. ❧ At later ages, however, males referred for disruptive behavior disorders significantly outnumber females anywhere from 4:1 to 6:1. ❧ These children account for somewhere between one-third and two-thirds of all child mental health referrals.
Comorbidity of ODD/CD
❧ Children with ODD and CD frequently display other types of problems. ● 34.7 to 48 % of children and adolescents with ODD/CD also show evidence of ADHD. ● Comorbidity of12 to 17.6 % have been found for depressive disorders. ● As many as 19% of children/adolescents with ODD/CD qualify for a diagnosis of anxiety disorder.
Prognosis of Conduct Disorder
❧ In general, the literature suggests that ● children who develop conduct disordered behavior later in childhood have a somewhat better prognosis. ● the severity and variety of early antisocial behavior is a powerful predictor of serious antisocial behavior in adulthood. ● the prognosis may be worse for those who also have comorbid disorders.
Cost of Conduct Disorder _______
over 7-year period
❧ N=396 high risk ❧ N=268 normative ❧ Cost ● General health ● Inpatient and Outpatient mental health ● Justice system ● School (eg Special ed)
Possible causes
Evidence of genetic basis—family studies show that
approximately 20% of first-degree relatives of people with ASP
also have ASP
Twin studies
High concordance in monozygotic twins (vs
dizygotic twins)
There appears to be highly heritable
general vulnerability to
________ disorders
List Ex’s of externalizing disorders
Conduct Disorder
Antisocial Personality Disorder
Alcohol Dependence
Drug dependence
Adoption studies
Adoptees with biologic background of ASP
more likely to
develop disorder than those without
Unresponsive nervous system:
Chronic under arousal leads patients with ASP to seek
out dangerous or risky situations to raise level of arousal;
-Patients with ASP have more slow-wave EEG activity,
low resting pulse, low resting skin conduction
Response to Emotion Stimuli in
Boys with Conduct Disorder
❧ 50% of Boys with CD develop Antisocial
personality disorder
❧ Shown pictures that were pleasant scenes, neutral
scenes, and unpleasant images (e.g. crying and
wounded children, people in despair)
❧ Boys with CD or CD+ADHD evaluated negative
pictures as being less aversive than ADHD or
❧ They also had decrease EDR to all slides
❧Risperidone effective in decreasing
Aggression in CD International Clinical Psychopharm Sep05
❧Lithium in short-term treatment of
aggression A
Some things that can help
❧ Assessment of the possibility that the child may have an
attachment problem.
❧ Identify possible precipitating events
❧ Find out how the parents perceive the problem
❧ Help the parents understand some of the dynamics of the
unattached child (e.g… possible etiology, lack of good
cause and effect thinking, and childs need to control)
❧ Explore the kind of support system that are available to the
parents (everything from family support to inpatient
Cause and Effect problems
❧Extremely important for parents to be
highly consistent with rules
❧Rules need to be logical and enforceable
You have to be in bed by 9:00pm instead of
You have to be asleep by 9:00pm Never
try to control a childs biology
There should be consequences
for breaking rules.
❧Whenever possible, these should be natural
❧Children should be rewarded for appropriate
❧Dont just assume positive behavior and ,
thereby, let it go unrewarded.
Referral of child for treatment
and ________ of parents
ADHD DSM IV criteria: Impulsivity/Hyperactivity
6 or more of the following--manifested often: Impulsivity: -Blurts out answer before ? is answered -difficulty awaiting turn -Interrupts or intrudes on others
- fidgets
- unable to stay seated
- inappropriate running/climbing (restlessness)
- difficulty in engaging in activities quietly
- “on the go”
- talks excessively
ADHD DSM IV criteria: Inattention
Inattention: six (or more) of the following symptoms
of inattention have persisted for at least 6 months to a
degree that is maladaptive and inconsistent with
developmental level:
1. often fails to give close attention to details or makes
careless mistakes in schoolwork, work, or other
2. often has difficulty sustaining attention in tasks or
play activities
3. often does not seem to listen when spoken to
4. often does not follow through on instructions and
fails to finish school work, chores, or duties in the
workplace (not due to oppositional behaviour or
failure to understand instructions)
5. often has difficulty organizing tasks and activities
6. often avoids, dislikes, or is reluctant to engage in
tasks that require sustained mental effort (such as
school work or homework)
7. often loses things necessary for tasks and activities
(toys, school assignments, pencils, books, or tools)
8. is often easily distracted by extraneous stimuli
9. is often forgetful in daily activities
Epidemiology of ADHD:
Prevalence & Course
❧ ADHD – Most common behavioral d/o of childhood ● 6-9% of children • Boys >> Girls • Most common in 1st born boys (Kalplan/Sadock, 1998) • 75% persist to adolescence • 65% persist to adulthood ● 3-5% of adults Earlier onset predicts worse prognosis
Comorbidity Almost Always
Complicates the Picture (for ADHD)
Depressive Disorder 20% Cyclothymia 30% Bipolar Disorder 5% Anxiety Disorder 26% Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder 18% Learning Disorders 20%
Comorbidity Almost Always
Complicates the Picture
complicates the picture
-Oppositional Defiant Disorder 35% Conduct Disorder 30% Antisocial Disorder 20% Psychoactive Substance Use Alcohol 30% Drug (THC, Speed) 20% Tourettes Synd., Chronic Tics ? • Few ADHD kids have Tourettes • Up to 60% of kids w/ Tourettes have ADHD
Substance Abuse in ADHD Youth Growing Up:
Effect of Pharmacotherapy
MTA STUDY: Multimodal Treatment
Study of Children with ADHD
-14 month, multicenter, randomized, controlled
trial (not blinded, no placebo)
579 Children, 7-9 y/o w/ ADHD Combined Type
(Largest Group of ADHD Children to date)
Medication management utilized dosing
strategies for all day coverage
MTA STUDY: Multimodal Treatment
Study of Children with ADHD
-list the 3 main findings
- Med Mgmt = Med Mgmt + Beh Mgmt > Behavioral Tx and Community Based Treatment
- TID Ritalin is a preferred dosing regimen
- Subjects with any form of comorbidity, incl disruptive behavior disorder or anxiety, did better with combined treatment.