Define low vision
Visual acuity of less than 6/18 but equal or greater than 3/60
visual field loss of less than 20 degrees
define blindness
Visual acuity of less than 3/60
visual field loss of less than 10 degrees
What is visual impairment
Includes low vision as well as blindness
What visual acuity tests can be used to assess for childhood blindness, in preverbal children?
Binocular fixation
Pattern visual evoked potentials
State some of the causes of corneal scarring.
Conjunctivitis of the newborn (ophthalmia neonatorum)
Herpes simplex virus.
Use of harmful traditional eye medicine.
How does Vitamin A deficiency occur?
*Reduced intake of foods rich in vitamin A
*Vitamins not absorbed due to diarrhoea
*Increased need for vitamin A particularly during measles
What are the signs and symptoms of xerophthalmia
Night blindness
conjunctival xerosis
Corneal scarring
This is a significant end stage of malnutrition causing eye damage in a child who survives
Why does measles cause eye problems?
The reserves of vitamin A may be low in the child and measles causes increased use of the remaining vitamin A
What is conjunctivitis and state the organisms that cause this condition
Conjunctivitis of the newborn occurs in a child within the first 30 days of life
Organisms: *Neisseria Gonorrhoeae
How would you prevent infection causing conjunctivitis of the newborn?
*As soon as every child is born, the eyelids must be carefully cleaned with moistened, sterile cotton wool
*Application of tetracycline 1% eye ointment is then instilled into each eye. If tetracycline is absent, use silver nitrate 1% eye drops or povidone iodine 2.5% eye drops.
*Antibiotic treatment should be given to pregnant women found with gonococcal and chlamydial infections during ante-natal period.
How can congenital cataract be prevented?
*Cataracts caused by Rubella can be prevented infant immunisation with the MMR vaccine.
List the symptoms and signs which indicate childhood glaucoma
*Light makes the eyes more uncomfortable/ photophobia.
*Eyes may be watery with no discharge
What are the presenting signs of a child with retinoblastoma.
*White appearance of the pupil (leucocoria)
*Poor vision
According to your own understanding what is meant by retinopathy of prematurity?
Retinopathy of prematurity is a blinding disease which affects preterm (less than 32weeks GA) and low birth weight (less than 1500grams at birth) babies.