Childhood and Elderly Sexuality Flashcards
What are some issues with respect to using surveys as data/information sources?
Self-report data may be subject to biases and (exaggeration, concealment)
subject to errors (faulty memory)
What are some issues with respect to interviewing children as a data/information source?
No direct, systematic observations
ethics (consent)
What are some issues with adolescent sexuality research?
Name the steps in the gender identification process with respect to the different cohorts (age groups)
Infancy (0-2 years): Gender awareness stage (knowing about boy-girl difference)
Early childhood (3-7 years): Gender Stability and Gender Constancy stages
Preadolescence (8-12 years):
Psychological bond
that forms between an
infant and the mother,
father, or other
Describe the typical sexual behaviours for infancy (0-2 years)
Non-genital sensual experiences
Exploratory genital manipulation
Interprets parent’s non-verbal reactions
Describe the typical sexual behaviours for early childhood (3 to 7 years)
Gender role socialization
Exhibitionist stage
Child sex play
Describe the typical sexual behaviours for preadolescence (8-12 years)
“Latency” or modesty?
Other-sex sexual games
and sexual contact
Gender segregation
(homosociality) and
same-sex sexual contact
Sibling sex
What are the main points discussed in Dr. Kukkonen’s Ted Talk?
Implicit messages and attitudes are that our “sexual lifespan” is limited
Conversations between older patients and healthcare professionals about sex rarely occur
Strong biases
Research spanning many age groups finds that higher sexual satisfaction is associated with a higher quality of life
What are people more likely to call a sex act?
bidirectional, genital contact
The study of sexuality throughout the course of our lives
Lifespan development