Childhood Flashcards
Mayer Hillman (1993)
Boys and girls will have different experiences of
childhood due to gender role socialisation.
Boys = more freedom
girls = bedroom culture
Julia Brannen (1994)
Ethnic groups will have different expectations
on their children and at what age they would
take on responsibilities
Poor mothers are more likely to give birth to
children of lower birth weight which can be
linked to both delayed physical and mental
Child Liberationists
believe that childhood has become oppressive due to the excuse of proctection
Toxic Childhood
rapid technological change and cultural changes have damaged children’s health
Child Centeredness
children become the centre of decision making in the family
Information hierarchy
Those who can access information and those that can’t. Prior to the invention of the internet this was much more pronounced
Neil Postman
Childhood as we know it is disappearing at a rapid rate due to the collapse of the information hierarchy.
Postman evidance
Criminality of children – the committing of ”adult” crimes such as murder and rape.
Children given the same rights as adults.
Sue Palmer, how childhood is declining
-Increase in ADHD,
-Increase in substance abuse and selfharm
-Increase in mental health problems
A Social Construction
a social phenomena is not naturally occurring but instead is created by society
Define a Child
someone below the age of majority, biologically it is someone before they hit puberty
Define childhood
the period of time that a person is considered to be a child
Childhood varies from culture to culture and within cultures itself.
Childhood has changed over time and what we now consider to be childhood is a modern construction
Conflict view in childhood
Different children will have different experiences of childhood so some will be better for others,