Childhood Flashcards
What is Pilchee view on Childhood?
childhood is a period of ‘separateness’ distinct from adult life:
-Socially separated-childhood is a clear and distinct life stage,
-Physical Immaturity-Children have not yet reach puberty however full development doesn’t end il mid 20’s
-Psychological immaturity-Development continues into the mid 20’s
What is Cultural relativity?
Benedict says childhood varies from culture to culture and within cultures itself e.g. Firth Tikopa Tribe
What is Historical Relativity?
Aries says Childhood has changed over time and what we now consider to be childhood is a modern construction.
-Pre industrial era-Children were considered mini adults
-Industrial era-Children still work at factories and their is development of children protection
-Modern era-Childhood is protected time of innocence which last until late teens
What is March of Progress view on child?
over the past few centuries, the position of children in western societies has been steadily improving and today
is better than it has ever been. E.g. legal, Child centred mess
What is the reason for Childhood change?
- Technological changes-Children have better access to adult world through internet.Furthermore technology parents use as a digital babysitter
- Change to relationships-Changing nature of relationships from economic to romantic leads to children being seen as a product of emotional attachments
- Media saturation and role of capitalism-children are targeted by media.Children are active consumer of goods pester power and will consume goods
What is intra child conflict and inequality (Gender)?
-Mayer Hillman Boys and girls will have different experiences of childhood due to gender role socialisation.Boy are given more freedom and girls are socialised into bedroom culture which is actives such as talking with friends
-Mcrobbie suggest parents are more likely to have excessive control on girl than boy because they fear assault
-Crisis of Masculinity for males-Young males have lower opportunities in traditional industries this would mean they will have lower educational performance and increase mental illness
What is intra child conflict and inequality (Ethnicity)?
Julia Brannen says ethnic groups will have different expectations on their children.Asian families e.g. parents were much stricter on their daughters and they will invest money into their children future for them to achieve education success
What is intra child conflict and inequality (Class)?
-Woodroffe poor mothers are more likely to give birth to children of lower birth weight which can delay physical and mental development.
-Children from poor families are more likely to die in infancy or suffer long illness
What do Child Liberationists believe about childhood?
-childhood has become oppressive with adults
using the excuse of protection to limit children’s activities
-Firestone and Holt see what March of progress see as care and protect as just new forms of oppression and control.
What are the ways children are controlled?
What is Toxic Childhood?
rapid technological change and cultural
changes have damaged children’s health, emotional and psychological
What is the Information Hierarchy?
those who can access information and those that
can’t to the invention of the internet
What Is the Disappearing Childhood Thesis(Neil’s postman)?
Childhood is disappearing at a rapid rate due to the collapse of the information hierarchy Evidence:
-Growth of technology gives children much more access to information and ways to participate in the adults world.
- Children given the same rights as adults.
-Children are committing crimes of ”adult” crimes such as murder and rape.
Evaluation of Disappearing Childhood Thesis?
-Opie-childhood is not disappearing but changing
-Postman’s theory is a reductionist as it places the cause of disappearance of childhood on the rise of television
What is Sue Palmer Toxic childhood Thesis?
Childhood has become damaging to the physical, psychological and emotional health of young people. This is evidenced by the:
-Increase in ADHD
-Increase in substance abuse and self-harm
-Increase in mental health problems
According to Palmer the trend to ‘toxic childhood’ is the result of?
1)Unhealthy food
2)A lack of play in natural surroundings
3) Poor sleep patterns
4)Little time to interact within the family
5) Decline in emotional security
Evaluation of toxic childhood?
-This is not a new phenomena but we now have better understanding of mental health and wellbeing so it appears to be more toxic.
-More information availability has made the dangers more well known which has led to more paranoid parenting
-Ethnocentric-only looks at western ideas of childhood and cannot be applied to many developing nations
What is Universal Childhood?
Western notion of childhood is spreading around the world. e.g. Charities focused onhelping street children and preventing child labour, Globalised TV and media