Child Support/Custody (Study A Lot) Flashcards
Paternity when the child is born to a married woman
- legal presumption that her husband is the biological father of her child
- can rebut presumption, usually by lack of sexual access at the time of conception.
- Presumption applies if wife gets married when she’s pregnant.
Paternity of child born through artificial insemination by anonymous sperm donor
- if husband consents to insemination, he is presumed the father even if he isn’t biologically so
Paternity of child born to an unmarried woman
- if a man acknowledges paternity, and mother agrees, it’s settled.
- But if no father steps up, need paternity suit
- burden of proof: C&C evidence
- Standard now is DNA evidence
Subject Matter Jurisdiction for Child Custody
- Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act (UCCJEA)
- Proper state for custody jurisdiction is the child’s home state
- Home state: where the child now lives and has been living there with a parent for at least 6 continuous months
- If no home state, SMJ where the home state was 6 months prior
- If no current home state or 6 months prior, jurisdiction is the state with the greatest connection to the child
Exclusive Jurisdiction under the UCCJEA
- Once proper state enters an order, it has continuing and exclusive jurisdiction
- so you can’t go to another state and file for a modification
Child custody rule
- court will make determination of custody based on BIC standard
- joint custody or exclusive available
- No presumption in favor of one parent
- Factors to consider (don’t memorize):
- physical, mental, and emotional condition of the child and both parents
- relationship forged with each parent and child
- Willingness each parent would have to let the other parent visit if they got exclusive custody
- Child’s preferences if kid is over age 12
- If parent has new companion, if that person is someone you want with the child
- Whether the arrangement could keep the siblings together
- History of domestic violence/child abuse
- If the parents live close together/can cooperate
How to write a child custody answer
- Pretend the kid is real and write down what you would actually do regardless of the parents or what the rules even say
Custody Requests by Nonparents
- BIC standard still applies
- Presumption that custody of the biological parent is in the best interest of the child
- Nonparent must overcome this presumption
- Courts are very demanding and essentially require nonparent to prove parent is unfit
Parental Relocation
- if the primary custodian wants to move, have to notify court 30 days in advance of any planned relocation
- Court will only allow child to be removed from Virginia if the relocating parent can prove that it’s in BIC
- Court will consider whether reason for relocation is legitimate or fabricated
- Court will consider whether relocation will impact noncustodial parent’s relationship with the child
- court can modify order to make the noncustodial parent’s relationship with the child as meaningful and continuous as possible
Child custody modification
- Either party can petition for it
- Must show change in circs that affects BIC
- e.g. exclusive custodial parent is in a new relationship with a bad guy
- Make sure to note in exam stability of the child’s arrangements
Noncustodial parent and visitation
- noncustodial parent always gets visitation
- it is assumed that it is in BIC to have continuing connection with both parents
if noncustodial parent will be a harm/threat to the kid, courts will order supervised visitation
Nonparent who requests visitation
- e.g. grandparents
- parent has constitutional right to raise kid as they see fit and should choose who has access to the kid
- Can only get visitation in spite of parent’s wishes by showing some kind of detriment to the child by not having visitation
BIC standard in other situations
- if it involves kids, but not even with custody, BIC is the standard. Even if it’s someone who finds an abandoned baby
Child Support Duty
- bio parents owe duty of support
- if parent lives with child, their obligation is usually not addressed by the judge. Being fulfilled whenever the child’s needs are met
- support orders usually go to noncustodial parent
- Duty extended until child is 18, or, if still in school at 18, when the kid turns 19, or HS graduation, whichever comes first
- If child is disabled, support obligation can be extended throughout the child’s lifetime
How much Support Each Parent must give
- Court will go to guidelines and determine if there is justification for a variance
- If court varies from guidelines, there must be findings on the record in case of meaningful appellate review
- Variance factors:
- special needs of the child
- economic circumstances of the party including income, assets, etc…
Child Support in Prenup or Separation Agreement
- that part of the agreement is always subject to judicial review. Cannot be waived
Child Support Modification
- Need material change in circumstances
- e.g. payor got fired, inflation, etc…
- If parent remarries and has new child with the spouse, typically not a reason to decrease child support
- If parent has increase in income, other parent can file for an increase
- Can only modify future payments, not past due
Ways to enforce child support payments
- Garnish wages
- Asset seizure
- Contempt of court
Enforcing child support payments if a payor parent moves out of state
- Uniform Interstate Family Support Act, UIFSA
- adopted by all jurisdictions
- Provides that support order can be directly enforced across state lines
- can send it to employer or to court
- Provides that state that issued initial support order still has jurisdiction over the support order so long as any party still lives there