Child Psychology Studies Flashcards
Hazen and Shaver Aim
To test if their was a relationship between infants attachment types and their approach to future romantic relationships
Hazen and Shaver sample
Volunteer sample - from the newspaper
Hazen and Shaver procedure
Participants made to do two questionairres, then they do one regarding childhood relationships with their parents.
Hazen and Shaver Findings
56 percent of respondents are secure.
More likely to have longer lasting relations, described relations as positive, happy, friendly and trusting.
Hazen and Shaver conlusion
Both men & women pp in the study. The study supports Bowlbys theory that relationships in childhood influence adult relations.
This is a deterministic way to look at relationships. The theory dictates that is we have a poor attachment as a child, that this means we will make unsuccessful or bad relations as adults.
Self fulfilling prophecies
If people are told they have poor attachment and this is why they are going to form bad attachment, they will begin to believe this and portray these bad traits.