Child Psychology - Pre-Adult Brain Development (Biological) Flashcards
Adolescents are more prone to risk-taking and impulsivity than other age groups (Drug use, injuries/accidents, unprotected sexual activity) due to the order in which various regions of the brain mature. The limbic system which is involved in the processing of social and emotional information, develops earlier than the prefrontal cortex, making risky decisions more common (Steinberg 2008). This means that adolescents might make poorer, riskier decisions about getting into fights then adults.
Ventral Striatum (VS) is another part of the brain often referred to as the ‘reward centre’ as it is highly sensitive to rewards. Early development of the VS encourages adolescents to engage in more adult activities (sex, drinking and driving) making them feel more independent. However this also produces a risk due to the lack of experience teenagers have and also the lack of development in the prefrontal cortex.
Key Research;
Barkley- Levenson et al investigated the influence of brain development on risk taking behaviour and to identify neural development of Expected Value (EV) in adolescent brains. The sample that was used was 19 healthy, right-handed adults (ages 25-30), 22 healthy, right-handed adolescents (ages 13-17) which they gained through volunteer sampling via poster and internet adverts in USA. This was a quasi/natural experiment, using an independent measures design and was conducted in a laboratory. The IV were adults/ adolescents. The DVs were performance on a simple mixed gambles game and fMRI scan to show volume / activity of Ventral Striatum (VS). All the participants gave their informed consent Each participant was given $20 to use as ‘playing’ money during the fMRI task. One week later they took part in the fMRI session. During scan, series of gambles with a 50% probability of gaining the amount shown and a 50% probability of losing the amount shown on the other side of the spinner. Range of profit values between +$5 and +$20 and loss amounts between−$5 and −$20, for a total of 144 trials per participant. The findings showed that adolescents behaved similarly to adults when there is no risk involved. One conclusion that can be drawn from this study is that Adolescents place greater value on rewards than adults do.
GDL - Graduated Driver Licensing –> GDL is a great way to improve safety on roads as well as prevent risk-taking behaviour acted out by adolescents. The way it is done is by having probationary periods in which the adolescent driver is restricted on a number of things (Age of passengers, alcohol consumption of night-time driving). For example in the US newly qualified drivers have a night-time curfew prohibiting driving between 10pm and 5am and often are banned from carrying passengers under the age of 30. Some GDL schemes also carry heavier penalties for using mobile phones whilst driving.
It also might be useful to make sure that the adolescents are highly informed about the risks that are involved with risk-taking behaviour whilst driving. This could be achieved through talks being done by police officers or educated specialists that inform adolescents on the risks.