Child protection and safeguarding Flashcards
Four main components of safe guarding team
Advice, supervision, training and audit
Multi agency working:
Medical, nursing, ambulance, police, education, children and adult social services, charities
Aims of safeguarding
Protecting children from abuse and neglect, preventing impairment of their health or development, ensuring they receive safe and effective care
Children’s rights
Basic needs are met, protected from cruelty and exploitation, given opportunities to play an active role in society and to have a say in their own lives, right to their own identity, parents are in a position to care properly and to the best of their ability, vulnerable children including those who cannot be with their families receive the best possible care
Children’s Act 1989 key principles
The welfare of the child is the paramount consideration, a child grows up best in their own family, wherever possible families should be supported to achieve this, partnership with clients brings the best outcome, parental responsibility, participation of the child
Child abuse includes:
Neglect, sexual abuse, physical abuse and emotional abuse
Physical abuse may include
Hitting, shaking, throwing, poisoning, burning, scalding, drowning, suffocating, or otherwise causing physical harm to a child
Normal bruising
Most accidental bruises are over bony prominences/on the front of the body, children pulling to stand bump their foreheads
Areas accidental bruising is uncommon
Back, buttocks, forearm, face, ears, abdomen, hip, upper arm, posterior leg, foot, hands
Characteristics of abusive bruising
Clustering appears commonly, may carry the imprint of the implement used, seen on the soft parts, head is the commonest site, in children not independently mobile
Characteristics of abusive burns
Parental inattention/neglect/abusive, injury does not fit history, abusive burns include cigarette, immersion, contact, carpet, poured or thrown scalds
Key features of abuse
Unreasonable delay in seeking help, inconsistent history which doesn’t fit injury or development, injuries to young/non-mobile children
Sexual abuse key features
A child under 13 does not have the legal capacity to consent to any form of sexual activity, penetrative sexual activity with a child under the age of 13 years carries a life sentence, must pass on information which puts the child or others at risk
Features of neglect
Neglect is the persistent failure to meet a child’s basic physical and or psychological needs, likely to result in a serious impairment of the child’s health or development
Consider for neglect:
Persistent infestations, non-compliance with medical treatments, failure to obtain treatment for tooth decay, repeated failure to attend medical appointments, faltering growth, inappropriate carer, animal bite on inadequately supervised child, injury if lack of supervision suggested
Emotional abuse
The persistent emotional ill-treatment of a child such as to cause severe and persistent adverse effects on the child’s emotional development
How to safeguard children
Safe healthcare environments, clear policies and guidelines aimed at keeping children safe, training for staff, access to advice and guidance, willingness to act, a culture that values children’s rights