Child language Acquisition - Introduction And Phonological Acquisition (1) Flashcards
What are the 4 stages of lexical and grammatical stages of development?
- holographic
- two word
- telegraphic
- post telegraphic
What are the 6 different types of sounds produced?
- plosives
- fricatives
- affricates
- approximants
- nasals
- laterals
What are fricatives?
Created when airflow is partially blocked and air moves through mouth in steady stream e.g. thy / leisure)
What are plosives?
Created when airflow is blocked for a brief time e.g. b,d,g
How are affricates created?
By putting plosives and fricatives together e.g. judge
What are approximants?
Sounds similar to vowels e.g. w,r,j
What are nasals
Nasals are produced by air moving through the nose e.g. m,n
What are laterals?
Created by placing tongue on ridge of teeth e.g. L
What are the 7 early phonological errors?
- deletion
- substitution
- addition
- assimilation
- reduplucation
- reduction of consonant clusters
- deletion of unstressed syllables
What is the phonological error assimilation?
Changing one consonant sound for another e.g. gog for dog
Research point - what was Jean Berko and Roger Browns study about Phonology?
Child refered to inflatable fish as ‘fis’ substituting the ‘s’ sound for the ‘sh’, the child could not link the adults use of ‘fis’ to their own
What are the 4 pre verbal stages of language development?
- Vegetative
- Cooing
- Babbling
- Proto words