Child Devt Flashcards
Voluntary grasp
5 months
Rolls back to side
3 months
Holds head erect
4 months
Rolls front to
5 months
1-2 months
2-4 mos
Makes sounds
3-4 mos
Imitates sounds
6 mos
Regards a person’s face
1 month
Social smile and follows object
2 mos
Recognizes face
3 mos
Stranger anxiety
6 mos
Scribbles spontaneously
15 mos
Builds 3-4 block towers
18 mos
Jumps with both feet
30 mos
Sufficient eye hand coordination
3 yrs
Walks without help
15 mos
Up and down the steps with both feet on each step
24 months
Mastered skills in sitting, walking, toilet training and using spoon
3 yrs
Separation anxiety peaks at
7-8 mos and 12-18 mos
Separation anxiety resolves by
3 y/o
1-3 y/o
States first and last name
2 1/2 yrs
Understands speech
2 yrs
300 words, 2-3 word phrases
2 yrs
20/20 vision with CV intact
5-6 yrs
Weight doubles
6 mos
Increases 50% of birth height
1 yr
Birth weight triples
1 yr
Central incisors erupt
5-7 mos
Builds 9-10 block towers
3 yrs
Laces shoes, copies a square
4 yrs
Ties shoes, uses scissors well
5 yrs
Print letters, numbers, and name
5 yrs
Rides tricycle
3 yrs
Climb stairs with alternating feet
3 yrs
Skips and catches a ball
4 yrs
900 words, 3-4 word sentences
3 yrs
1500 words, tell stories, sing songs
4 yrs
> 2,000 words, 5-7 word sentences, use past tense
5 yrs
Tell familiar stories using pictures as cues
5 yrs
Shares toys
3-6 yrs
Imitates care givers
3-6 yrs
Formation of peer relationships
3-6 yrs
Gender identification
3-6 yrs
Understanding of right and wrong
3-6 yrs
8 yrs
Rides bicycle
6-12 yrs
6-12 yrs
School relationships become important
6-12 yrs
independent from family
6-12 yrs
Basic understanding of less concrete concepts
8 yrs
Secondary teeth erupt
12-18 yrs
Females complete puberty
15 yrs
Male completed puberty
17-18 yrs
Emotional development
12-18 yrs
Friends become more important
Social identity
Better understanding of complex problems
12-18 yrs
Develop moral ideas and role models
12-18 yrs