Child Development II Flashcards
Boys @ 9-‐14 yo
Testes begin to enlarge, scrotal skin reddens and thickens
Pubarche in Boys
10-‐15, penis starts growing, so do you
Boys @ 12-‐16
SPERMARCHE! Peak of height spurt, facial and body hair begin to grow, voice begins to deepen, penis is done
Pubic hair growth completed (both boys and girls)
8-‐13, also begins growth spurt
Girls Pubarche
Girls @ 10-‐16
Menarche, adult stature, axillary hair, breast growth completed
Early Adolescents age range:
Early Adolescents Body Image
preoccupation w/self and pubertal changes, uncertainty about appearance.
Early Adolescents Peers
intense relationships w/ same sex friend
Early Adolescents Independence
less interest in parental activities
Early Adolescents Identity
increased cognition, increased fantasy world, idealistic vocational goals, increased need or privacy, lack of impulse control
Middle Adolescence age range:
Middle Adolescence Body Image
general acceptance of body, concern over making body more attractive
Middle Adolescence Peers
peak of peer involvement, conformity w/ peer values, increased sexual activity and experimentation
Middle Adolescence Independence
peak of parental conflicts
Middle Adolescence Identity
increased scope of feelings, increased intellectual ability, feeling of omnipotence, risk-‐taking
Late Adolescents age range:
Late Adolescents Body Image
acceptance of pubertal changes
Late Adolescents Peers
peer group less important, more time spent in sharing intimate relationships
Late Adolescents Independence
reacceptance of parental advice and values
Late Adolescents Identity
practical, realistic vocational goals, refinement of moral/religious/sexual values, ability to compromise and set limits
Personality Development
The effect of a particular experience will be influenced by the child’s development, and the child’s temperament
will influence the responses of others in the child’s environment
The style with which the child interacts with the environment
What do variations in children’s behavior reflect?
A blend of intrinsic biologic characteristics and the environments with which the children interact
What is a Learning Disability?
Impairment in the acquisition and/or use of spoke (oral) language, written language (reading/spelling/writing) and mathematical skills. Characterized by academic functioning that is substantially below that expected, given the individual’s age, schooling and level of intelligence.
Types of Learning Disabilities:
Reading disorder
Disorder of written expression
Mathematics disorder
Learning disorder not otherwise specified