Child Development Flashcards
Central tasks: 0-18 mo
Trust vs mistrust (separation, sleep)
Central tasks: 18 mo- 3 yrs
Autonomy vs shame (toileting, dressing)
Central tasks: 6-11 yrs
Industry vs inferiority (academics, sports))
Central tasks: adolescence
Identity vs confusion (social relationships)
Central tasks: young adulthood
Intimacy vs isolation (partnerships)
Central tasks: adulthood
Generativity vs stagnation (work, parenthood)
Central tasks: old age
Integrity vs despair (self reflection)
Central tasks: 3-6 yrs
Initiative vs guilt (exploration, art, testing limits)
Sensorimotor stage
0-2 yrs
Direct sensation, motor action
-object permanence- recognizing the world contains objects/people that exist even when you don’t see them (12 mo)
Preoperational stage
2-7 yrs
Magical thinking. Child’s own perception and linkage of events
-transductive reasoning
Concrete operational
7-11 yrs
Rule and logic based
-can see another’s perspective
-mass, number, volume, time
Formal operation
> 12 yrs
Abstract thought
-abstract ideas
-inductive reasoning
Securely attached infants
Use mother as base. Normal
Insecure avoidant
Independent, don’t use mother as base
Insecure ambivalent
Clingy, don’t explore much at all
Separation anxiety
8-24 months
Secure toddler intermittently checks in with parent (security)
Signs of neglect
- emotional distress
- disturbed sleep
- problems paying attention and concentrating
- anger/irritability/withdrawal
- repeated and intrusive thoughts
Gesell’s Maturational Theory of Development
Development: similar and predictable pattern driven by age
- developmental milestones
- cephalo —> caudal and proximal —> distal (truncal stability occurs first)
Cognitive development theory
- children learn from interacting with environment
- children different from adults
Milestones: 2 months
- smiles at people
- coos/gurgles
- follows things/faces with eyes
- can hold head up
- starts to push up when lying on stomach
Milestones: 4 months
- copies facial expressions and sounds
- babbles with expression
- reaches for toys
- can roll over onto back
- when lying on stomach can push up to elbows
- responds to affection
Anatomical findings in autism
-large head size in toddlerhood
-increased gray: white matter ratio
-cerebellar abnormalities
-micro abnormalities w/in cortex
—> abnormal circuitry —> poor global connectivity
Why do people with autism have a larger head size in toddlerhood but not adulthood?
Normally undergo pruning before age 3 and again at puberty
-autistic kids don’t —> increased brain size (gray matter specifically —> abnormal EEG and seizures
Head size of newborns with autism?
Normal! Becomes larger later bc pruning doesn’t occur
Milestones: 6 months
- plays with others
- looks at self in mirror
- responds to own name
- says consonant sounds
- strings vowels together when babbling
- shows curiosity (tries to get things out of reach)
- sits without support
- stands
Milestones: 9 months
- fear of strangers
- points at things
- understands “no”
- plays peek-a-boo
- picks up things between thumb and index finger
- pulls to stand
- crawls
Milestones: 12 months
- shy/nervous with strangers
- helps with getting dressed
- has favorite things/people
- responds to simple requests
- uses simple gestures
- makes sounds with changes in tone (speech)
- tries to say words you say
- explores
- can point to the right thing when named
- bangs two things together
- first few steps alone, can walk holding on
Milestones: 18 months
- temper tantrums
- shows affection
- plays pretend
- says several single words
- knows basic objects
- scribbles
- eats with a spoon, drinks from a cup
- walks, may run or walk up steps
Milestones: 24 months
- shows more independence and defiant behavior
- plays mostly on their own but likes being around other children and engages in some games with them
- sorts shapes and colors
- builds towers of blocks
- plays make believe games
- follows 2-step instructions
- names items in a picture book
- runs, kicks a ball, stands on tiptoe, walks up/down stairs, climbs onto furniture
Milestones: 3 years
- takes turns in games
- shows concern for crying friend
- dresses/undresses
- conversational
- can copy a circle, do small puzzles
- climbs, runs, rides a tricycle
Milestones: 4 years
- more creative
- can’t tell what’s real and what’s make-believe
- talks about interests
- tells stories, sings songs
- draws people, uses scissors
- hops and stands on one foot, catches ball, pours and cuts own food
Treatments for autism
- treat symptoms: atypical antipsychotics (aripiprazole), stimulants, SSRIs, anticonvulsants
- applied behavioral analysis
- floortime
- supplements (little evidence)
- therapy (speech, occupational, social, physical)