Child Development 2 Flashcards
nose bleed
- ) have child sit or stand and lean slightly forward over sink or bowl
- ) squeeze the lower half of the child’s nose with a tissue for about 10 minutes
- ) releasing check to see if a clot has formed and the bleeding has stopped
- ) if not, apply pressure again for 10 minutes if you cannot stop the bleeding get medical help
bump on head
1.). place a towel around a cold pack and apply to the area for 10 minutes and seek medical help right away is a child loses consciousness, becomes drowsy or irritable complains of a headache or vomit after injury.
possible sprain
- ) do not move the child until you know how serious the injury is
- ) if mild injury, elevate the injured area and apply cold packs to help reduce swelling
- ) if pain persists check with the doctor about further treatment
- ) if it is sticking out of the skin and small use tweezers to remove it
- ) make sure you sterilize the tweezers in the area
burn from flame
1.) if the area is small cover it with a clean cloth and take child to the doctor if the area is large cover the child with a blanket or a clean sheet and call emergency help if the skin is black or white get immediate medical help
burn from water
1.) put the area under cold water or a cold wet cloth then keep it dry and clean do not put ointment on the area
- ) do not, hold or restrain the child
- ) move any hard objects out of the way
- ) if the child vomits or if saliva builds up in the mouth, turn the child onto his or her side or stomach to help drain the fluid’s
- ) afterwards give the child Tylenol
- ) if it last for more than five minutes or child is groggy or confused after call emergency services
stung by a bee
- ) scrape it with a blunt edged object (credit card)
- ) wash the area with soap and water then apply a cold pack
- ) Watch the area for the next few days for signs of infection if child is known to be allergic they should be taken to the doctors immediately
bruise on arm
- ) apply cold pack to the area
- ) place a towel between the cold pack and skin
- ) elevate the injury
swallows poison
- ) call the hospital or poison control center
- ) describe the material how it was taken and if the child has vomited
- ) keep the container of the substance with you as you talk so you can answer any questions
- ) follow the directions you receive
choking of a 5 year old
- ) stand behind the child and wrap or arms around his or her waist
- ) make a fist with one hand and place it with the thumb towards the victim just above the child’s navel, grasp the fist with your other hand
- ) thrust your fist upwards and inward quickly repeat the tech technique until you dislodge the object
choking of an infant
- ) Place the infants stomach down across your forearm using your thigh for support and hold the infants chest in your hand in jaw in your fingers
- ) Point infants head downward and give up to five quick firm blows to the infants back with the heel of your hand
loss of blood»_space;> shock
- ) lay child down and elevate feet
- ) loosen tight clothing and keep the child warm until help arrives
- ) seek medical help
dog bite
- ) does not break skin or small wound wash the area was soap water and flush with water for several minutes
- ) apply antibiotic ointment and give Tylenol for pain relief if needed
- ) for more serious and actively bleeding apply pressure to stop the bleeding elevate the area and seek medical help
minor cut
- ) place a clean cloth or gauze pad on the area and apply firm pressure until the bleeding stops
- ) clean the area with mild soap and warm water
- ) dry the area and apply anti-septic
- ) Cover with adhesive bandage or sterile gauze