Child development Flashcards
1 month -
Posture and large movements
lying supine
head lag when unsupported
1 month -
Visual, perceptual and fine motor
pupils react to light
turns head and eyes towards light source
keeps hands closed and thumbs turned in
1 month -
Communication, language, hearing and speech
startles to sudden noises
cries when hungry or uncomfortable
coos when content
1 month -
Social behaviour and play
stops crying when picked up or spoken to
eye to eye contact
smile at 5-6 weeks
3 months -
Posture and large movements
lies on back
brings hands together
no head lag when pulled to sit
3 months -
Visual, perceptual and fine motor
visually alert
regards small still object momentarily
finger play - opening and closing hands
3 months -
Communication, language, hearing and speech
turns towards source of sound
quietens to sound of rattle etc.
cries if uncomfortable
vocalises when pleased
3 months -
Social behaviour and play
purposeful gaze to carer when feeding
responds to singing, playful handling
enjoys bathing and caring routines
6 months -
Posture and large movements
raised head when lying on back
pulls self to sitting when hands grasped
rolls from front to back
takes weight on feet when held standing
6 months -
Visual, perceptual and fine motor
purposefully follows another person’s movements
reaches for and grasps small toys
6 months -
Communication, language, hearing and speech
turns to familiar voice
listens to voice even if person not in view
vocalises tunefully
laughs and chuckles
6 months -
Social behaviour and play
delighted response to rough and tumble play
takes everything to the mouth - exploring
more reserved with strangers
9 months -
Posture and large movements
pulls self to sitting position
sits unsupported
pulls self to standing but falls backwards
9 months -
Visual, perceptual and fine motor
visual attention to moving objects
can reach and grasp a moving object
picks up small objects with pincer grasp (finger
and thumb)
9 months -
Communication, language, hearing and speech
vocalises to communicate shouts to attract attention responds to name understands ‘no’ and ‘bye bye’ imitates vocal sounds
9 months -
Social behaviour and play
plays peek-a-boo
throws self back and stiffens if annoyed
wary of strangers
clings to familiar person
12 months -
Posture and large movements
crawls or shuffles
pulls to standing and sits back down
walks round furniture
may stand alone briefly or walk with one hand held
12 months -
Visual, perceptual and fine motor
reaching and grasping coordinated
looks in correct place for toys that have been dropped out of sight
12 months -
Communication, language, hearing and speech
recognises familiar tunes
vocalises with vowels and consonants
understands simple words and instructions
12 months -
Social behaviour and play
puts objects in and out of box
plays ‘pat-a-cake’ and waves ‘bye bye’ when asked to
15 months -
Posture and large movements
may walk unaided
bottom shufflers are usually delayed walkers
15 months -
Visual, perceptual and fine motor
manipulates small objects
may build a tower of 2 bricks, put pegs in holes etc. scribbles with crayon
15 months -
Communication, language, hearing and speech
says a few recognisable words
understands many more
obeys simple instructions
15 months -
Social behaviour and play
pushes large wheeled toys
pretend play
looks for hidden toy
curious - exploring environment
18 months -
Posture and large movements
walks well
pushes and pulls large toys
enjoys climbing
walks upstairs and can come down backwards
18 months -
Visual, perceptual and fine motor
picks up small objects
points to distant objects outdoors
builds towers
holds pencil
18 months -
Communication, language, hearing and speech
chatters continually
6-20 recognisable words
enjoys nursery rhymes and songs
obeys simple instructions
18 months -
Social behaviour and play
exploration no sense of danger imitates everyday activities plays contentedly alone exchanges toys with peers
2 years -
Posture and large movements
runs safely and can negotiate objects
walks up and down stairs
throws and kicks a ball
2 years -
Visual, perceptual and fine motor
good manipulative skills
holds pencil towards point in preferred hand
builds towers
enjoys picture books and turns pages
2 years -
Communication, language, hearing and speech
50 or more recognisable words 2-word sentences listens with interest imitates joins in nursery rhymes and songs
2 years -
Social behaviour and play
little idea of sharing
plays near other children contentedly but not with them
make-believe play
2.5 years -
Posture and large movements
runs, climbs, pushes, pulls, jumps, stands on
2.5 years -
Visual, perceptual and fine motor
recognises detail in picture books and photos of
builds towers of > 7 bricks
2.5 years -
Communication, language, hearing and speech
200 or more recognisable
continues to imitate
questioning - why? who? what?
2.5 years -
Social behaviour and play
active, restless
can throw tantrums
sustained role play
pretend play
3 years -
Posture and large movements
climbs with agility
rides tricycle
can stand on one foot momentarily
catches ball with both arms out
3 years -
Visual, perceptual and fine motor
builds tower of 9-10 bricks threads large wooden beads on lace uses pencil with good control copies a circle and V, H & T knows names of colours
3 years -
Communication, language, hearing and speech
speech modulating - loudness and range of pitch
can identify functions of objects
listens eagerly to stories
3 years -
Social behaviour and play
make-believe play may include invented
people and objects
understands sharing
4 years -
Posture and large movements
walks and runs, one foot to a step in adult fashion
navigates skilfully
climbs ladders and trees
increasing skill in ball games
4 years -
Visual, perceptual and fine motor
builds tower of 10 or more bricks
draws a person with head, legs and trunk, arms and fingers
knows all 4 primary colours
4 years -
Communication, language, hearing and speech
correct grammar
can give connected account of events and experiences
enjoys stories, jokes
asks why?
4 years -
Social behaviour and play
more independent
sense of humour
needs companionship
understands sharing and turn-taking
5 years -
Posture and large movements
can walk a narrow line easily
skilful at running, climbing, sliding, swinging
can throw and catch a ball
5 years -
Visual, perceptual and fine motor
picks up and replaces minute objects
builds elaborate models
good control in writing and drawing
cuts strips of paper neatly
5 years -
Communication, language, hearing and speech
fluent speech
acts out stories
can give full name and address
understands sequence (first, then, last)
5 years -
Social behaviour and play
more sensible
domestic and dramatic play
chooses own friends
protective of playmates and pets