Child Custody Flashcards
Legal custody
The right of a parent to make major decisions about the child’s life
(health, education, religion, etc)
Physical custody
The right of the parent to have the child reside w/ the parent and the obligation to provide for the daily care and control of the child.
Joint Custody
- Parents must be willing and able to cooperate
- Legal: neither has a superior right to make major decisions
- Physical: does not necessarily require 50/50 time-sharing arrangement
What is the UCCJEA & its purpose?
Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction & Enforcement Act
To prevent JD disputes w/ courts in other states on the matter of child custody and support.
How is Home State JD determined for initial or modifications of custody determinations?
- Where the child has lived for the last 6 mos prior to hearing; OR
- Was the child’s home state in the last 6 months, child is absent from the state but ONE parent or guardian still lives in that state.
What is significant connection JD and how is it established?
When no other state has or accepts home state JD:
* the child & at least one parent have a significant conn with the state, AND
* there is substantial evidence in the state about the child’s care, protection and personal r/ships
Standard for determining child custody
Best interests of the child standard
B/T Parents: primary-caretaker during the marriage, separation and prior to the divorce is a factor
Race/Religion: can NOT be used
Parents sexual conduct: a factor only if the P’s conduct has or will have a negative effect on the child
3rd Party Rights: parents are presumptively entitled to custody of their children in cases against 3rd parties
Child’s Preference: taken into acct if child is of sufficient majority
Domestic Violence: almost always a factor ; some states have created a rebuttable presumption in favor of the non-abusive spouse
Third-Party Visitation
Can be granted to stepparents and same-sex nonbiological co-parents… typically limited to individuals who acted in loco parentis w/ the child prior to divorce.
What sanctions are available for enforcement of visitation orders?
Compensatory visitation, atty’s fees, court costs, fines, jail time
Tort damages awarded to parent for the period of time that the child is wrongfully out of the P’s custody.