Child Abuse Flashcards
A child is anyone who has NOT yet reached their 18th birthday
Child abuse
Term includes physical, sexual, emotional abuse or neglect of a child
Any form of maltreatment
Significant harm
Impairment of physical health
Impairment of mental health
Ill treatment
Impairment of development
Early Help
Identify children and families who would benefit from early help
Undertake assessment
Provide targeted help services
Child Cruelty
Anyone who is 16 years or over and has responsibility for a child under that age
Willfully assault
Exposes or procures a child (as above)
Section 46 Children’s Act 1989 - Police Protection
Where a Constable has RB that a child would otherwise likely to suffer significant harm, they may
a) remove the child to suitable accommodation
b) prevent the removal of child from hospital or other accommodation
How long can child be protected under a section 46
Maximum 72 hours
Adverse childhood experiences - traumatic events occurring before the age of 18
Direct ACE’s
Sexual, physical, verbal and emotional abuse
Indirect ACE’s
Domestic, substance misuse, mental illness, parental separation
Child Sexual Exploitation - the forcing or enticing a child or young person to take part in sexual activities
Age of criminal responsibility
Age of consent for sexual activities