CHF Flashcards
Greatest of all Christian saints
-after her Son, exalted by divine grace above angels and men
-venerated as holiest of creatures—hyperdulia
lived in humility; as a carpenter
-just, innocent, and pure
in Hebrew:”God Saves”,”YHWH is salvation”
-the name revealed by an angel to Mary
nointed/covered with oil
-from Greek:”Khristos”, meaning Messiah
from Hebrew:”God is with us”
The immanuel
from Latin:”redemtio”, meaning ransom-price
The Redeemer
the almighty
The Pantocrator
all things were created through and for Him
The king of the Universe
Iesus Nazarenus Rex Iudaeorum; inscription above the Cross
Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews
Jesus’ coming in the flesh; becoming like us except sin
-from the Latin: “in + caro”, flesh
The Incarnation
enewed the command to subdue the Earth; to not destroy the earth again.
whose covenant is this?
promise of many descendants, land, and that his people would be a blessing to the nations
. Whose covenant is this?
-Israel as His chosen People; gave the Law by which to live. Whose Covenant is this?
Messiah would come from his line and that His kingdom would be everlasting. Whose Covenant is this?
King David
-proposed by Pope John Paul II
-sheds light on who Jesus is
Luminous Mysteries