Cheyne-stijes respirations = a pattern of breatining that alternates beteween deep and shallow breaths with a period of apneas that can last form 5-40 seconds. Flashcards
Cheyne-Stokes respirations
A pattern of breating that alternates betweem deep and shallow breaths with a period of apnea that can last form 5-40 sec
A type of fat producesd by the liver and found in the blood or found in animal-based food sources. It is needed in small amounts, but high levels increase the risk of heart and artery disease.
complete protien
Proteins that contain all 9 essential amino acids
complex carbohydrate
A long chain of sugar molecules found in starches and fiber.
One of two common scales used for measuring temp, the other is Celsius.
Having a body temperature above normal range: having a fever.
the hough, stringy part of vefetables and grains, which is not absorbed by the body but aids in digestion.
food exchange
One prtion of a type of food, categorized by food grup and serving size, used for diet control by diabetics and those trying to lose weight.
Abnormally deep, rapid breathing
An exceptionally high fever
High blood pressure
Low blood pressure
Incomplete protein
Proteins that lack one or more of the 9 essential amino acids
The curve in the air to liquid surface of a liquid specimen in a container
Natural, inorganic substances needed to help buid and maintain both hard and soft body tissues and carry on life functions