What is 25% of trauma mortality?
Chest trauma
2nd to head trauma as cause of death
Chest trauma
How many ribs are in the thorax?
12 ribs
How many litres can accumulate in the spaces?
What does the mediastinum contain?
heart,aorta,ivc and svc
What do the lower ribs protect?
liver, spleen, stomach, pancreas, kidneys
What do deceleration injuries often injure?
Thoracic and abdominal structures
Where do we put a chest tube
Right above the rib as blood vessels right under will cause bleeding
What are penetrating injuries?
force distributed over small area(ex)gunshot wound,stab
What are blunt injuries?
Force distributed over large area;Injury due to deceleration,sheering forces,compression or bursting
If traverse mediastinum tere is a particularly high potential for life throning injury why?
The mortality rate goes up when anything goes past the mediastinum(vena cava,heart)
What is the mgmt of impaled objects?
Adequate A/W, 100%o2, dont remove object, watch for developing tension pneumo/hemothroax
What are common end points of death?
A/w obsturction;hypovolemia;pump failure;tension pneumo;V/Q mismatch
What is flail chest
3 or more adjacent ribs fractured at 2 points
What are the signs?
JVD,decrease bp, trach deviation, cyanosis, hemoptysis
what are the deadly dozen?
Airway obstruction,open pneumo,tension pneumo, massive hemothorax,flail chest,cardiac tamponade, traumatic aortic rupture, trachealbrochial rupture, myocardical contusion, diaphragmatic tear, esophageal injuries, pulmonary contusion
What are the weakest structural points?
Ribs 4-9
What is the hallmark of severe injury?
1st and 2nd rib fractures, as they have close proximity to great vessels and lung
What are 1st and 2nd rib fractures associated with?
aortic rupture,myocardial contusion,pulmonary contusion, trachebronchial rupture
What kind of peep do we use on rib injury patients
High peeps
What does sternal fracture occur from
Blunt anterior impact
How do we ventilate sternal fracture patients
High peeps
What is the pendeluft effect?
Broken ribs may push in causing rebreathing as some air will move from lung to lung therefore decreasing gas exchange
What kind of pressure is pulling the effected side
Negative Pressure
What are the pathophysiological effects from flail chest
atelectasis, dead space ventilation, hypoventilation, pulm contusion
What is a simple Pneumo?
An accumulation of air or fluid in the pleural space
What is the traumatic cause of a simple pneumo?
Alveolar rupture on impact
What do you hear on percussion in a simple pneumo?
Hyper resonance
How do you diagnosis a simple pneumo?
Upright CXR
What kind of sulcus line do you see in simple pneumo?
Deep sulcus line
Where do we insert a chest tube in simple pneumo pts?
36-40FR; 5th or 6th midaxillary; sx at 20cmh20
What is an open pneumo?
An open connection between the atomosphere and pleural cavity
What kind of sound does the air V in and out make?
A sucking chest wound sound
What can occur with an open Pneumo
Lung collapse and deadspace ventilation
What is a tension pneumo?
Lung starts to compress and intrathoracic pressure starts to build up and compresses on heart, lg vessels and opposite lung
what happens to the mediastiunum and trach
Mediastinum will shift pulling trach with it towards the uneffected side
what happens to venous return and QT?
what are the diagnosis’s for tension pneumo
hypotension,shock, absent BS, distended neck veins, increase RR, hyperressonant to percuss
Mgmt of tension pneumo
Needle decompression 14GA in 2nd or 3rd intercostal space midclavicular
what is a hemothorax
accumulation of blood in the pleural space from blunt or penetration trauma
What is it commonly associated with
what arteries are usually the source of bleeding
intercostal or internal thoracic artery are the source of bleeding