Chest pain Flashcards
ST elevation in II, III, aVF
blood supply
ST elevation: I, aVL, V6
blood supply
Lateral wall
ST elevation: V1-V4
blood supply
Anterior wall
ST elevation in V1-V2
blood supply
Gross appearance of MI: <12 ;
12-24 hrs ;
1-14 days ;
> 2 weeks
hrs not apparent, tetrazolium stain shows pale areas 2-3 hrs post-occurrence
dark red-blue mottling
sharply defined yellow-tan area then hyperemic peripheral zone
gray-white scar
Histology of MI:
4-12 hours wavy fibers;
12 hrs - 7 days coagulative necrosis ongoing, neutrophils, by 7 days macrophages;
7-14 days granulation tissue, collagen begins to deposit;
>14 days more collagen, dense fibrous scar
- usually an atherosclerotic narrowing that only causes problems during exercise when demand for O2 is increased.
Stable angina
change in the frequency of angina, change in the amount of activity that provokes angina, change in the duration of angina, no longer relieved by nitroglycerin
Unstable angina-
-> degradation product of cross-linked fibrin, usually elevated with acute DVT
High sensitivity for PE, but low specificity
Virchow’s triad:
stasis, hypercoaguable state, endothelial injury
Difference between true and false aneurysm
Aneurysm: True -> involves all 3 layers, False (pseudoaneurysms) -> wall defect leading to extravascular hematoma
Pathogenesis of aneurysm
loss of smooth muscle cells - thickening of intima due to atherosclerosis -> ischemia of inner media; systemic HTN narrows vasa vasorum -> ischemia of outer media
Common -> location of aneurysms:
atherosclerosis -> _____;
HTN -> _____
abdominal aorta
ascending aorta
-> intimal tear w/in 10 cm of aortic valve, occurs betw middle and outer third of wall, in media, usually extends anterograde, ruptures “out”, may re-enter and form a double-barrel, ascending aorta most common
Aortic dissection
Aortic dissection: type A always involves the
ascending aorta