Chest pain Flashcards
What kind of chest pain do you get in Ischemic heart disease
Includes stable angina (pain <10mins), Ac MI/ACS (pain >10mins)
Tightness, pressure, like someone is sitting on the chest
Radiating to arm, neck, back
Infero-posterior part involved - nausea, vomiting
What kind of chest pain do you get in Pericarditis
Sharp, Stabbing pain
Relieved on bending down
Worse on lying down
Preceding viral illness
ECG - wide spread ST elevation
DD of chest pain with nitroglycerine
If pain gets better:
1. Cardiac condition
2. Oesophageal spasm
If pain gets worse
1. GERD pain
Difference of >20 mm/Hg systolic from left arm to right suggests?
Aortic dissection and is present in ~70% of case
Retrosternal chest pain
Initial inv for chest pain
●Cardiac troponins (T,I,C) 4-6hrs after onset,+ for 1-2 wk
I - ↑ only in cardiac conditions
T - along with cardiac,↑ also in polymyositis, dermatomyositis, renal disease
●CK-MB in MI 4-6 hrs after onset, + for 2-3 days
●CXR - resp causes
Epidemiology of aortic dissection
1. HTN
2. Marfans
3. Turners
4. Ehlers-danos
5. Atherosclerosis
6. Aortic aneurysm
7. Syphilis
8. GCA, Takayasu arteritis
Aortic dissection pain, inv
Tear in tunica intima … separation of layers
Sharp, tearing, severe
Radiating to back, abdomen, flank, legs
Difference of systolic BP >20 from one arm to the other
Weak pulse
CXR - WIDENING OF MEDIASTENUM, tracheal deviation to right
Best - TOE (trans-oesophageal echocardiogram)
Types and Mx Aortic dissection
Type A - Proximal to subclavian artery (worse)
Mx - emergency Sx
Type B - Distal to subclavian artery
Mx- Maintain BP IV labetolol .. still high … IV NTG
Pulm embolism pain
Sudden onset pain, SOB
Tachycardia, tachypnoea