Chest Drainage Flashcards
What is pleural Space?
Is the place between the ribs and the lungs
Air or Fluid in the Pleural Space inhibits lung exantion and breathing?
Pleural Space must always contain positive or negative pressure?
Negative Pressure.
It will always fluctuate between -8 to -10 cm h2o, and during exhalation will be between -4 to -5 cm H2O
How will be the difference between positive and negative pressure during inspiration and exhalation?
- Inspiration -8 to -10
- Expiration -4 to -5
Indication for Chest Drainage Tubes?
Traumatic Chest Injuries:
- Pnumothorax (Air between the lung and chest wall)
- Hemothorax (is a type of pleural effusion in which blood accumulates in the pleural cavity)
Pleural Effusion:
- Build up fluid between the pleura
- Emphysema
If you want to drain Air from the pleural Space, where you place the dranage tube?
Must be higher on the second intercostal space in the midclavicular line.
To drain Fluid from the Pleural Space, where you place you Chest drainage tube?
On the lower part in the 5th - 7th intercostal space in the midaxillary line.
Termination of chest Tube
Assess for signs of re-expansion
- Minimal Drainage
- Minimal bubbling/ fluctuation in water seal chamber
- Chest X-Ray shows re-expansion
- MD may leave to gravity
- explain procedure to the patient
- Tube should be pulled at the end of inspiration
- some physian prefere coughing or holding breath
- Occlusive dressing
What are the Chest Drainage System?
There are 3 systems
- 1 bottle system (just for drainage collection)
- 2 bottle system ( Air will come to second bottle)
- 3 bottle system (connected to suction)
1 bottle system
- Collect any fluid drinage from the pleural space
- Operate by gravity (bottle must be below the patient)
- Marked to allow measurement of the quantity of pleural drainage
2 bottle system
- Function as a one way valve alowing air to leave pleural space and preventing this to come back to the pleural space.
- In the presence of pneumothorax or air leak, bubbling wil be observed in the chamber.
On spontaneously breathing patient, bubbling will be on Inspiration or exhalation?
On exhalation
On positive pressure ventilation patient, bubbling will be on Inspiration or expiration?
3 bottle system
- Regulate the amount of negative pressure apply above the water seal.
- Usful when large amount of fluids accumulates in the pleural space
- The water hieght level will detremine the amount of negative pressure
wet suction system is like…?
3 bottle system