CHES Flashcards
Prepare us for the April 2014 CHES!
Crude Death Rate
The total number of deaths per year per 1,000 people. “If the crude death rate is expressed for the total population, it makes sense that a retirement community in FL or AZ would have a higher CDR than a younger community like Provo.”
Maternal Mortality rate/ratio
Ratio: the number of maternal deaths per 100,000 live births in same time period
Rate: the number of maternal deaths per 1,000 women of reproductive age in the population (usually 15-44)
Age specific mortality rate
Total number of feather per year per 1,000 of a given age
What is the rank for 15-24 year olds to die of unintentional injuries?
Infant Mortality Rate
The number of death of children less than 1/1,000 live births. Used when comparing health status of regions, states, and countries.
Perinatal Mortality Rate
The sum of neonatal deaths and fetal deaths (still briths) per 1,000 births
According to the Surgeon General Report, Health People 2020, what has the greatest potential to decreasing morbidity?
Lifestyle and behavior.
Community Analysis
The gathering of information about the populations under study, including general health status, health care, and social system available.
Needs Assessment
A systematic Process for determining and addressing needs, or “gaps” between current conditions and desired conditions or “wants”
Which data collection method typically has the lowest response rate?
Mail, also the slowest.
Delphi Technique
Data collection method which is most likely to allow for participants to present their views impersonally and confidentially without overtly influencing the opinions of others. Done in waves and mailing.
Because participants are selected according to specific criteria, the information obtained from which group process is not generalizable?
Focus Group
The first step in identifying a need for a community health education program should be;
Conduct a community analysis. Specifically asks about a COMMUNITY health program.
The United Nations Children’s Fund is a global humanitarian relief organization providing children with health care, immunizations, clean water, nutrition and food security. Asserts a primary responsibility for promoting international health.
International Red Cross
Humanitarian institution based in Geneva Switzerland, founded to protect human life and health, to ensure respect for all human beings, and to prevent and alleviate human suffering
National Institute of Health (NIH)
Government agency primarily responsible for biomedical and health-related research
Nominal Group Process
Used to establish issues or problems in priority order, gives each participant equal say and voting.
Psychlit or PsychInfo
Data bases used for psychological research. behaviors, feelings, habits etc.
Data base used for research on students K-12.
Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature
What is the lest expensive assessment technique and can reach the young adult population?
Email survey. young adults are more likely to utilize electronic surveys. quick and low cost
Explain how to create a survey as a way of gathering primary dat for a needs assessment.
Use qualitative and quantitative questions that focus on the need you are trying to assess
What are examples of secondary data sources?
Peer Reviewed Journals, CDC, Health Departments, other gov. agencies, census, databases etc.
What are the steps involved in assessing a community’s need for health education?
Determine the scope of work and the purpose for the needs assessment, gather data, analyze data, identify any factors linked to the health problem, Identify the focus for the program, validate the needs before continuing the planning process
What does the Delphi process look like and what are the issues associated with this method?
Sending surveys to rural communities, receiving filled out surveys, resending to others in the communities. (waves) Issues: expensive, time, forgetting to send surveys back,
Explain the process of a focus group and issues with that process.
Group discussions with members of the priority population to gain knowledge of qualitative data from the group. Getting people to participate, people telling the truth, generalizability
What is the first step in designing and completing a survey?
goals and objectives
What secondary data sources would you use for a specific community?
local health department, local emergency room, local doctors offices/clinics, census etc.
a widespread occurrence of an infectious disease within a community at a particular time
when an infection is in a population and contained to that population with no need for external inputs
Infectious disease that occurs in high numbers throughout the world
the proportion of a population found to have a condition
How many people have been affected by a specific infection/disease.
Mission Statement
A phrase or short statement that clearly describes the overall focus of the program.
Behavioral objective
A type of impact objective that describes the action or behavior in which the priority population will engage.
Outcome objective
An objective for the priority population to reach 18 months to 5 years after the program is finished.
Process Objective
An objective that is reached while planning. i.e. By March 30 have the room reserved
Impact Objective
An objective that describes how the program will help/change/influence the priority population
How do you write an objective
Clear and precise. WHO will do HOW much of WHAT by WHEN
Learning Objective
An impact objective that describes what was learned in the program. (Cognitive, Knowledge objective)
What is the first step in the ecological assessment of the PRECEDE planning model
Identify predisposing factors
Predisposing Factors
Thoughts, feelings, an beliefs that participants bring with them to the program. Usually from culture, family, religion etc.
Reinforcing Factors
includes feedback and encouragement for a changed behavior from significant or important others
Enabling Factors
Things that keep the population from doing the health behavior. i.e. safe places to walk, sidewalks, money, support etc.
Multilevel Approach to Community Health
Planned Approach to Community Health; developed to create a mechanism through which effective community health could occur
In order to support a team effort of a planning committee, it is important for the health educator to
understand group dynamic and team building
Two major beliefs of the Health Belief Model.
Susceptibility and benefit
The adoption curve illustrates which of the following?
the successive waves of use by groups with identifiable characteristics
What is essential for an individuals success in using self-control techniques to maintain a behavioral change?
Motivation and self-reliance
When planners develop implementation plans for the program, they are working on..?
Learning Activities
The first phase in the implementation process for an educational program is
Gaining acceptance for the program
The most effective approach to foster an individual responsibility for a positive lifestyle change is to
develop a personal behavior contract
A health educator is working with youth clients to create a video PSA. What best describes the technique they are using?
telecommunication technology
.Reciprocal determinism in Social Cognitive Theory posits
The continuing adaptation and change between the individual, the behavior, and the environment
Social Cognitive Theory
model offering a wide rang elf interventions for planning behavior
Health Belief Model
Perceptions of behavior change;
Hochbaum, Rosenstock, Kegels
Theory of Planned Behavior
Ajzen & Fishbein
individual model
Transtheoretical Model (stages of change)
Prochaska & DiClemente
Precontemplation, contemplation, preparation, action etc
Diffusion of Innovation
innovators, early adopters, early majority, late majority, laggards
Gabriel Tarde, Rogers
Theory of Planned Behavior (theory of reasoned action)
The assumption that behavior change is influenced by a person’s attitude toward the outcome and the subjective norms
The combination of entertainment and education to bring about a positive change in attitude. The enter-educate approach spreads its message through songs, soap operas, variety shows, and other types of popular entertainment mediums
Phasing In
Limiting the number of program offering
Performance evaluation review technique (PERT)
A Planning Method to Set Deadlines and Schedules
Process Evaluation
used to monitor and document program implementation and can aid in understanding the relationship between specific program elements and program outcomes.
Outcome Evaluation
an ultimate goal or product of a program or treatment, generally measured in the health field by mortality or morbidity data in a population, vital measures, symptoms, signs, or physiological indicators on individuals.
Impact Evaluation
the immediate observable effects of a program, leading to the intended outcome of a program; intermediate outcomes
Summitive Evaluation
Any combination of measurements and judgments that permit conclusions to be drawn about impact, outcome, or benefits of a program or method.
Formative Evaluation
any combination of measurements obtained and judgments made before or dying the implementation of materials, methods, activities or programs to control, assure, or improve the quality of performance or delivery
Which section of the health education program evaluation report is most likely to be read by those involved or affected by the evaluation researc
employee assistance Program
employee benefit programs offered by many employers, typically in conjunction with a health insurance plan. EAPs are intended to help employees deal with personal problems that might adversely impact their work performance, health and well-being. EAPs generally include assessment, short term counseling and referral services for employees and their household members
The first stage in organizing a coalition is
What is the last phase in the development of a coalition
second stage of coalition formation
defining mission of the coalition
Strategic Planning
This is a process that encompasses individual, group, community, environment, policy, and other systems-level factors that support and/or impinge upon the successful implementation of an organizational mission
When facilitating groups of stakeholders in a project, the health educator encounters some conflict between the organizations. The most effective conflict management strategy to us is
Collaborative Problem Solving
Simple Measure of Gobbledgook
SMOG: reading level test.
Adult Learning Theory
the PROCESS of gaining knowledge or expertise
Health Education Directory. Health educators can go on the list serve and ask questions, post jobs, make announcements, etc…
Health Resources and Services Administration of the USDHHS provides a variety of health education materials free of charge.
The Coalition of National Health Education Organizations
The city council has voted 4-1 to hold a town hall meeting to discuss a clean indoor air ordinance. Which type of advocacy benchmark is this?
Shifts in critical mass
Holding the Line
After a clean indoor air ordnance passes with the help of advocacy efforts, Big Tobacco attempts to overturn it. A community health coalition stops its campaign. Which type of advocacy benchmark is this
Center for Domestic Preparedness
United States Department of Health and Human Services
Combined health Information Database
an email based format in which one can ask questions, seek help, solicit support, or challenge the profession on any health education related topic. It is a professional listserv and members are expected to use their professionalism in their participation
American Medical Association
American Association for Health Education