ChemPath: Metabolic Screening and Disorders 1 ✔️ Flashcards
Types of inheritance, most common to least common:
Autosomal > X-linked > mitochondrial > Y-linked
Which database keeps track of all inherited metabolic disorders?
OMIM (Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man)
What are the main consequences of deficient enzyme activity in a metabolic pathway?
e.g. A <—-> B <–X–> C
Lack of end-product (e.g. C)
Build-up of precursors (e.g. A + B)
Abnormal or toxic metabolites
What are the criteria for inherited metabolic disorder screening (in neonates)? (Wilson and Junger Criteria)
- Must be an important health problem.
- Must have an accepted treatment in the guidelines.
- Facilities for diagnosis and treatment.
- Latent or early symptomatic stage.
- Suitable test or examination.
- Test should be acceptable to the population.
- Natural history of disease is understood.
- Agreed policy on whom to treat as patients.
- Economically balanced (i.e. cost effectiveness of screening and treating vs not).
- Continuing process (keep updating what is screened for)
What is phenylketonuria (PKU) caused by?
- Phenylalanine hydroxylase deficiency
- This enzyme is responsible for converting phenylalanine to tyrosine
- Deficiency results in an accumulation of phenylalanine, which is TOXIC
Which abnormal metabolites are produced in PKU?
Phenylacetic acid (detected in the urine)
What is the main consequence of untreated PKU?
Low IQ (IQ<50)
No physical symptoms
How is PKU investigated?
Blood phenylalanine level
Describe the treatment of PKU.
- Monitor the diet and ensure that the patient is having enough phenylalanine (but not too much)
- This must be started within the first 6 weeks of life
When is the Guthrie test (AKA heel prick test) performed in the UK?
5-8 days after birth
What is congenital hypothyroidism usually caused by?
Dysgenesis or agenesis of the thyroid gland
Prevalence = 1:4000
Added to UK screening in 1970
NOTE: diagnosis is based on high TSH, PV+ve 60-70%
Is sickle cell disease screened for in the UK?
Added to UK screening programme in 2006
What is cystic fibrosis (CF) and what is it caused by?
Screening for CF added in 2007
6 classes of defect in the transmembrane conductance regulator i.e. failure of Cl- movement from inside epithelial cell into lumen –> increased reabsorption of Na+/H2O –> viscous secretions –> ductule blockage
Lungs –> recurrent infections
Pancreas –> malabsorption, steatorrhoea, diabetes
Liver –> cirrhosis
How many classes of cystic fibrosis are there?
Outline the pathophysiology of cystic fibrosis.
- Failure of the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator means that chloride ions cannot move into the lumen from the cells, resulting in increased water absorption and very thick secretions