Chemolithoautotrophy Flashcards
Definition of Chemolithoautotrophy
Organisms which use inorganic carbon compounds for energy source (PEDs).
Fix CO2 as carbon source, use chemical energy.
Rock eaters.
Oxidising inorganic carbon compounds.
Is Chemolithoautotrophy oxidising or reducing species?
How does Chemolithoautotrophy compare to Chemoheterotrophy in terms of energetics?
Chemolithoautotrophy is less energetically favourable then chemoheterotrphy.
- Delta E greater for chemoheterotrophic reactions
- Electron donors for chemolithoautotrophy are required for ATP generation (catabolism) and CO2 fixation (anabolism).
Examples of Chemolithoautotrophic PEDS?
H2 CH4 S S3O32- Fe(II), Mn(II), NH4+
Not organic carbon.
Examples of Chemolithoautotrophic TEAs?
Usually O2
If not available:
- NO3-, Mn(IV), Fe(III), SO42-, S
Chemolithoautotrophy thermodynamic energy yeilds, in decreasing order?
Hydrogen Oxidisers Methanogens Methanotrophs Sulphur Oxidisers Iron Oxidisers Manganese Oxidisers Nitrogen Oxidisers
Examples of Hydrogen Oxidisers and their TEAs?
- Aerobes - use O2 as TEA
- Facultative Anaerobes - Use O2 as TEA, if not available use NO3-, Mn(IV), Fe(III).
- Obligate Anaerobes - use SO42- or CO2, always anoxic.
- Mixotrophs - inc. autotrophs (fix CO2) or heterotrophs
Explain how methanogens work?
Form Methane.
Can either be:
Chemolithoautotrophs - fix CO2
Chemoheterotrophs - use organic C
Explain how methanotrophs work?
Consume (oxidise) methane.
Can be either chemolithoautotrophs or chemoheterotrophs.
Found where methane is abundant e.g., hydrothermal seafloor methane.
What are the two types of sulphur oxidisers?
Gradient Organisms
What conditions do Gradient Organisms grow?
sulphur oxidiser
Microaerophillic (sub-oxic)
Neutral pH
e.g., sulphur springs, microbial mats.
Require low O2 and reduced sulphur.
What bacteria catalyse abiotic sulphur oxidation at low O2 levels?
PED and TEAs used by Acidophiles?
sulphur oxidiser
Grow in acid rich environments.
PEDs - H2S, hydrogen sulphide, is most common
TEAs - O2 is most common, but can also use NO3-, NO2-, Fe(III).
Bacteria used to speed up oxidation by acidophiles?
sulphur oxidiser
Acidic conditions mean sulphur can stay in solution, this means bacteria are required to speed up sulphur oxidation.
What are the two types of Iron Oxidisers?
What conditions do neutrophiles grow?
iron oxidiser
Circumneutral (roughly neutral)
Low O2 environments - microaerophillic
Examples of neutrophiles and acidophiles?
iron oxidisers
Neutrophiles - Gallionella
Acidophiles - Acidothiobacillus, Acidiothiobacillus ferrooxidans.
Explain the role of Manganese Oxidisers?
Grow at neutral pH in oxic conditions.
Abiotic oxidation of Mn(II) to Mn(III) or Mn(IV) is slow.
Mn-oxidising bacteria, usually produced in the environment, catalyse the reaction.
Mn-oxides encrust cells or form sheaths
Explain Nitrogen Oxidisers?
PED = NH4+ (ammonium) TEA = O2
e.g., NH4+ > NO2- > NO3-
Common in habitats with high ammonium.
Can also get Anammox bacteria (anaerobic oxidisers).
Use NO2- as TEA rather than O2.
Nitrogen Oxidisers examples?
NH4+ > NO2- = catalysed by Nitrosomonas
NO2- > NO3- = catalysed by Nitrobacter