Chemistry rock and soil Flashcards
What is bigbang theory?
Bigbang theory is an extremely huge and hot explosion that made the earth
It cooled down and form the first element,what is the element?
H(hydrogen)& He(helium)
How does clouds form? Explain!
The atoms were drawn together by the force of gravity and then form huge gas called clouds
What is the 1st generation stars?
H&He stars
How does other elements form?
It happen when a stars has used up all its supply of hydrogen to make helium it makes other elements by nuclear fusion.
That elements include
Carbon,Nitrogen,Oxygen,Sodium,Magnesium,Aluminium,Silicon,Phosphorus,Sulfur,Chlorine,potassium,calcium,chromium,and iron
What does nuclear fussion process?
The process that inside each sphere and the force of gravity drew the atoms closer still until the temperature and pressure became so great.
How does nebula form?
The stars may then swell up and form a red giant star,then release gas and dust as a nebula around it,and shrink to form a white dwarf star
Supernova is formed from
Very large stars that do not release gas and dust
core divided into two parts
Inner core and outer core
The inner core is a ball of
iron and nickel
inner core ….. km in diameter
2740 km in diameter
The inner core are also radioactive present,like uranium,and they generate heat,which keep the core at about …… degree celcius
5000 degree
The outer core is ….. km thick
2000 km thick
That composed of more iron and nickel
outer core
The mantle is made of
rocky material
the mantle is …… km thick
2900 km thick
The mantle composed mainly of
element iron,silicon,oxygen,magnesium
compounds is
the atoms of these elements that are joined together to make substance
main composed in mantle
silicates (made from silicon and oxygen atoms)
The mantle is very hot,it is ….. degree celcius at a depth of ….. km below the Earth’s surface
1500 degree celcius at a depth of 2000 km below the earth’s surface
The mantle is very hot,it is ….. degree celcius at a depth of ….. km below the Earth’s surface
1500 degree celcius at a depth of 2000 km below the earth’s surface
The crust is made from
much cooler rocks than the mantle
what is magma?
magma is molten rock that is made from some of the rocks in the lower crust and upper mantle
extrusive igneous rock
rock that escapes from the earth surface through a volcano/lava that comes out to the surface through the volcano (basalt)
intrusive igneous rock
The rocks that cools down inside the earth’s crust and will come out to the surface in solid form(granite)
igneous rock also called
fire rocks because they form from magma
sedimentary rocks
occurs under the sea by settling and made from minerals and living things(sandstone and mudstone)
metamorphic rocks
is made up from sedimentary rocks When Sedimentary rocks are buried deep beneath the Earth’s surface, great pressure and tremendous heat change these rocks into new rocks containing different minerals. And metamorphic rocks can form magma/melting to magma. (slate)
3 kinds sedimentary rocks
rocks from rocky fragments,rocks from parts of living things,rock from dried up seas
metamorphose is
The rise in temperatures and pressure cause the rocks to change their form.
What cause the rock to metamorphose
the rise in temperature and pressure
What is minerals?
Minerals is a substance that has formed from one or more elements in the earth
Minerals can be recognised by
colour,shape,lustre,hardness,the colour of the streak
What is soil?
Soil is made from small particles or fragments of rocks
Weathering is
Process in which rock breaks up to form fragments
2 kinds of weathering
Physical weathering and chemical weathering
Physical weathering
Changes in temperature,the effect of ice,abrasion,the effect of plants
Changes in temperature
When a rocks heats up,the minerals in it expand.
The effect of ice
The ice pushes on the sides of the pores and makes the rock crumble.
When pebbles are carried in a fast flowing river
The effect of plants
Particles of rock blown by the wind settle in cracks in rocks and form a soil in which plant roots can grow
Chemical weathering
Rainwater,hot and wet weather conditions
is naturally slightly acid due to carbon dioxide from the air dissolving in it
Hot and we weather conditions
speed up chemical reaction such as those that breaks down rocks
is a substance remains of plants and animals rot and humus also contain a lot nitrogen so that’s why the litter layer more fertile
is a mixture of humus and rocky fragments
is a mixture of humus and rocky fragments
is paler than the topsoil because it contains much less humus
Groups rocky fragments
small stones,sand,,silt,clay
Properties of soil
Soil texture (gritty,silky,sticky),drainage(the abbility to hold water),the amount of air,the soil pH
The percentages of air:
volume of air : volume of soil x 100
40% sand 40% silt 20% clay
urutan planet
urutan planet
milky way
produces billions of galaxies,vast island of stars,and our galaxy
3rd generation stars