Chemistry Flashcards
Do saltwater pools use chlorine
Yes, by passing water through a salt chlorine generator
What happens when the salt chlorine generator adds electricity to the water and salt
The chemicals change into hydrogen gas and hypochlorous acid
- The acid sanitizes the pool
- The gas bubbles out of the water and into the air
What happens if a pool does not circulate properly
Saltwater concentration could go up in specific areas
-Water needs to circulate through filters
How much salt is recommended (generally)
3000 to 3400 ppm
What is cyanuric acid
Cyanuric acid is a chemical stabilizer and attaches itself to chlorine molecules
What are other names for cyanuric acid
Chlorine stabilizer
Why do you want to use cyanuric acid
Prevents the breakdown of free chlorine from the sun
Allows chlorine to stay optimized
Why do you want to keep your chlorine stabilized
Chlorine kills bacteria and algae
What are the 3 different types of chlorine
Free chlorine - chlorine that is ready to sanitize
Combined chlorine - used chlorine that has already killed bacteria or algae
Total chlorine - All the chlorine in the pool (free + combined)
What is the downside of cyanuric acid
It lowers the effectiveness of you chlorine
-Also known as ORP (oxidation reduction potential)
What are the recommended levels of cyanuric acid
40 - 100 ppm
What are some general percautions for adding cyanuric acid into the pool
Wear acid resistant gloves
Eye protection
Mix with water and pour into the skimmer (read directions)
What would you do if your cyanuric acid to really low
Add lots of chlorine
What is muratic acid
Muratic acid is a form of hydrochloric acid but with more dilution
It cleans and removes one substance from another
What is alkalinity
A measure of the ability of water to neutralize acids
What are the recommended levels for alkalinity in a pool
80 - 120 ppm
What is pH
A figure expressing the acidity or alkalinity of a solution
What happens if your pH is to high (high alkalinity)
Can create:
Clogged filters
Cloudy water
Pool damage
Skin irritation and itchy eyes
The chlorine in the water can no longer do its job effectively = bacteria and algae
What happens if your pH is to low
The water can turn acidic
Harmful to pool and equipment
Green water
Burning eyes and itchy skin
Why does alkalinity rise and fall
The alkalinity can rise with (pH level increase) with:
Body lotions
New water
The alkalinity can lower with (pH level decrease) with:
Rain (chemical dillution or slightly acidic rain)
What is the pH level of acid
A pH of 7 or less
Why do we use muratic acid
To lower the pH of a pool
Do you need to dillute muratic acid before adding into the pool
Use a 10:1 mixture of water and acid
Always add water first to prevent a chemical reaction
What is the ultimate goal in pool chemistry
A perfect pH
How can you raise the pH (alkalinity) of a pool
By adding:
Alkaline salts
Baking soda
Other alkalinity-increasing products
What is the perfect pH level
What is the pH level range
7.2 - 8
What is the difference between cyanuric acid and muratic acid
Cyanuric acid helps prevent chlorine from being degraded by the sun
Muratic acid is used to adjust your pH
What are the advantages of salt chlorination
Saves money on chlorine
Gentler on skin, hair, and eyes
Saltwater feels soft and silky
Easier to maintain
No chlorine smells