Chemistry Flashcards
Sulfuric Acid
- (wzór, języki)
- properties
- uses
- manufacture
- Acide sulfurique/Schwefelsäure/kwas siarkowy - H2SO4. Oil of vitriolm battery acid, oleum.
- colorless, odorless, dense, oily, corrosive liquid. Corrosive to all body tissues
- Fertilizer, petroleum refining, synthetic rubber and other plastics, copper leaching, manufacture of organic pigments, water treatment chemicals, car batteries. + dehydrating agent
- S + O2 -> SO2 (sulfur dioxide)
- SO2 + O2 -> SO3 (Sulfur trioxide)
- SO3 + H2O -> H2SO4
wet sulfuric acid process, lead chamber process, contact process
- (wzór, języki)
- properties
- uses
- manufacture
- 3 big Inorganic nitrogen compunds
- Azote/Stickstoff N2
- Colorless, odorless, inert in normal temp.
- Ammonia, inert atmosphere for chemical reactions, metal treating, enhanced oil recovery, food processing (freezing), electronics
- liquifying air
- NH3 (ammonia), HNO3 (Nitric acid), NH2CONH2 (Urea)
- (wzór, języki)
- properties
- uses
- manufacture
- Notable feature
- O2 - oxygène, Sauerstoff
- colorless, odorless
- Metallurgy, metal fabrication, chemical manufacture, medical applications, sewage treatment, rocket propellant, paper bleaching.
- liquifying air
- oxidation/reduction
- (wzór, języki)
- properties
- uses
- manufacture
- CaO (Chaux, Calciumoxid - Kalk, tlenek wapnia)
- white/gray solid. Reacts with water to form calcium hydroxide
- Many applications. Most known: steel and chemicals, water treatment, pollution control, pulp and paper, construction
- Limestone (CaCO3) from mines or quarries is heated in a kiln (calcined). CaCO3 -> CaO + CO2
- (wzór, języki)
- properties
- uses
- Proportion of uses
- NH3
- colorless gas with a suffocating pungent odor. Readily liquified and soluble in water.
- Nitric Acid, urea, ammonium alts.
- 75% fertilizers, 20& chemicals, 5 % explosives
Phosphoric Acid
- (wzór, języki)
- properties
- uses
- manufacture
- Remarkable historical use
- H3PO4 (Phosphorsäure, kwas fosforowy)
- colorless solid melting at 42 degrees. Sold in water (colorless, odorless)
- The highest value inorganic acid marketed in the U.D. and second valur to sulfuric acid. Preparation of salts used as fertilizers (ammonium and calcium salts), water softeners and detergents, animal feed, baking powder, soft drink acidifiction.
- Phosphate rock + sulfuric acid -> phosphoric acid + gypsum
Ca3(PO4)2 + 3 H2SO4 = 2 H3PH4 + 3 CaSO4. - as fertilizer since ancient times. First manufactured by treating bone ashes with sulfuric acid. Phosphate rock, poor fertilizers, was substituted for bones as a raw matrial in the mid 1880s.
- (wzór, języki)
- properties
- uses
- manufacture
- Remarkable point
- Cl2, chlore, chlor
- greenish/yellow gas with pungent ofor. Forms compunds with virtually all elements.
- water purification, pulp and paper bleaching. Biggest use for the production of organic comunds in plastics, pesticides, herbicides, refrigerations fluids, solvents.
- Electrolysis of salt brime.
- Sodium hydroxide and chlorine co-dependent. Chlorine hard to store so if the sales of the latter go down, the prices of the former go up.
Sodium Hydroxide
- (wzór, języki)
- properties
- uses
- manufacture
- remarkable use
- NaOH, caustic soda, wodorotlenek sodu, soda kaustyczna, Natriumhydroxid, kaustischesoda, Hydroxyde de sodium
- white crystalline solid, dissolves in water with high evolution of heat. Hazardous.
- chemical manufacture, soaps and detergence, food processing, pulp and paper, water treatment, textile manufacture
- Electrolysis of salt brine
- Some metal oxides also dissolve in sodium hydroxide. Bauxit is treated with NaOH for pure aluminium. Sand (silicon dioxide) as well to form sodium silicate or water glass.
Sodium Carbonate
- (wzór, języki)
- properties
- uses
- manufacture
- Remarkable feature
- Na2CO3, soda ash, carbonate de sodium, Natriumcarbonat, węglan sodu
- white powdery solid moderately soluble inb water to gve a basic solution. With acid it produces sodium sakt and carbon disoxide.
- Ovr 50% to make glass, preparation of chemicals, soaps and detergents, pulp and paper industry, water treatment.
- Mined or obtained by Solvay process
- Mining is more eco, but limited distribution of natural soda ash.
Nitric acid
- (wzór, języki)
- properties
- uses
- manufacture
1 HNO3, aqua fortis, Salpetersäure
2. colorless liquid, turns yellow in light. Choking odour. Hazardous chemical.
3. Fertilizers, raw material for nylon, gunpowder and explosives (itroglycerin, nitrocellulose, TNT, ammonium nitrate), elastomers and paints.
4. Ammonia is burned over a ctalyst to a mixture of nitrogen oxides which when reacted with water produces nitric acid.
NH3 + O2 -> NO2 + H2O
NO2 + H2O -> HNO3
- (wzór, języki)
- properties
- uses
- manufacture (wzór!)
- H2, Wasserstoff
- colorless, odorless gas.
- ammonia, methanol, refining of metals from oxide ores, petroleum refining, hydrogenation of fats and oils, preparation of higher alcohols,
- CH4 + H2O -> CO + H2 -> CO2 + H2
The hydrogen is separated from the carbon dioxide by contacting the mixture with a liquid chemical, which absorbs the carbon dioxide.
Why carbon is special?
- Each carbon combines with 4 other atoms
- of other elements
- Form chains of atoms (open, closed, combination)
Functional groups
- Hydroxyl (alcohol) - OH
- Carbonyl/Composé carbonylé (ketone, aldehyde) - -(C=O)-
- Carboxyl (acid) - -(C=O)-OH
- Nitrile (cyano) - CN
- Alkoxyl (ether) - O-R (alkyl group)
- Halide (chloride, bromide, idodie) -Cl, -BR, -I
- Amino - NH2
- Nitro - NO2
- Phosphate - PO4H2
- Sulfhydryl - SH
- Esther - COO -
important chlorides names and properties
- CH3Cl - methyl chloride (Chlormethan) - refirgerant (once) today a reagent in chemical reactions.
- CH2Cl2 - Methylene chloride (Dichlormethan) - paint stripper, defaffeinated coffee
- CHCl3 - Chloroform - chem. intermed.
- CCl4 - Carbon tetrachloride (Tetrachlormethan) - interm.
Major reactions involving paraffins:
- chlorination
- nitration
- oxidation
- pyrolyse (cracking)
- isomerization
Oxygenated organic compunds
- alcohols, R-OH, e.g. Ethyl alcohol
2, Adehydes, R-C(-H)=O, e.g. Acetaldhyde (CH3-COH) - Ketones, R-C(=O)-R, Acetone CH3-CO-CH3
- Acids, R-C(-OH)=O, Acetic acid
- Esters, R-C(=O)-OR, Ethyl acetate CH 3−COO−CH 2−CH 3
- Ethers, R-O-R, Diethyl ether
- Anhydrides R-C(=O)-O-C(=O)-R, acetic anhydride
Common Aldehydes and their manufacture
- formaldehyde CH2O, acetaldehyde, propionaldehyde
- Methanol + air -> formaldehyde + H2O
Acethylene + H2O -> CH3CHO (acetaldehyde)
Ethylene + Air -> acetaldehyde - fumigant, formalin, germicide, preservative, plastics manufacture.
Common ketones + uses
- Acetone, methyl ethyl ketone, methyl isobutyl ketone
2. solvents in paints and intermediaires for chemicals
Common organic acids
- formic acid, acetic acid, adipic acid
- formic acids- bee sting,
vinegar is a 5% solution of acetic acid
adipic acid is a major component of nylon
Soap formation
sodium or potassium hydroxide reaction with long-chain acids such as C17H35COOH (stearic acid)
Or more precisely
Glyceryl ester of stearic acid + Sodium hydroxide -> 3 sodium stearate
Nitrogen based organic compunts (clas, formula, example)
- Amines, R-NH2, CH3-NH2 (methyl amine)
- Nitro compounds, R-NO2, CH3CH2NO2 (nitroethane)
- Nitriles, R-CN, CH3-CN (acetonitrile)
- Isocyanate, R-N=C=O, CH3-NCO (methyl isocyanate)
- Amides, R-C(=O)-NH2, CH3CONH2 (acetamide)
Found in nylon. Urea is the diamide of carbonic acid, used for fertilizers and plastics.
Major substitutions in aromatic compunds
How do we avoid saturating the ring?
- chlorination, nitration, sulfonation, alkylation
- different catalysts
Some substituted benzens
- xylene (dimethylbenzens)
- chlorobenzen
- nitrobenzen
- toluen (methylbenzen)
- benzoic acid
- phenols (used for epoxy resins)
- aniline NH2