Chemistry Flashcards
An increased serum level of the following is most commonly associated with decreased glomerular filtration?
Jaffe reaction
What portion of bilirubin is increased in hemolytic anemia?
Increased unconjugated bilirubin
What type of bilirubin predominates in the serum of neonates?
Unconjugated bilirubin (Indirect)
When should peak drug levels be drawn?
1-2 hrs after dose
When should trough drug levels be drawn?
Immediately before next dose
Polyuria and low specific gravity and indicative of what disease process?
Diabetes Insipidus
What are the expected lab results of obstructive jaundice (posthepatic)?
Increased serum bilirubin
Increased urine bilirbin
Decreased urobilinogen
What are the expected lab values for prehepatic jaundice (hemolytic anemia)?
Increased serum unconjugated bilirubin
Increased urine urobilinogen
What are the expected lab values for hepatic disease (cirrhosis, viral hepatitis)?
Increased serum unconjugated + conjuaged bilirubin
Increased urine bilirubin + urobilinogen
Average glucose over 90 days
Diagnosis of diabetes
Detects small amounts of albumin in urine to assess early renal damage
Urinary albumin (microalbumin)
Fasting glucose > 126 mg/dL
>200 mg/dL random glucose
2 hr glucose >200 mg/dL
A1c >6.5%
Diabetes Mellitus
Impaired fasting glucose >100 but <126
Impaired glucose tolerance test >140 but <200
A1c 5.7-6.4%
Insulin decreases what serum value?
Metabolite of cocaine
The primary form of secreted nitrogen is?
Increased in chemo patients, gout, renal failure and leukemia?
Uric acid
If this is increased it is toxic to the CNS?
ammonia level in the serum
Most common advanced liver disease with increased ammonia levels?
Reye’s syndrome
Which of the cardiac markers rises and returns to normal latesest (remains elevated the longest) in acute MI?
This cardiac marker rises within 4-6 hrs and peaks at 24 hrs. Returns to normal 3-4 days
Total CK
This cardiac marker rises between 3-6 hrs and peaks at 12-24 hrs. Returns to normal in 2-3 days.
What chemistry will be elevated in young children who’s bones are rapidly developing and bone disorders?
ALP (alkaline phosphatase)
What causes Addison/s disease?
Destruction or failure of the adrenal cortex
Decreased aldosterone
Decreased cortisol
Decreased Hb, Na, Cl and urinary steroids
Addison’s Disease
“Anemic Addison has a problem with everything being decreased.”
Increased Cortisol + aldosterone
Increased Glucose, Na, urinary steroids
Cushing’s Disease
“Cushy Carl has a problem with everything being elevated.”
If elevated what analyte would support a diagnosis of congestive heart failure?
Decreased TSH
Increased T3 + T4
Most common cause of hyperthyroidism
Grave’s disease
Go getter Gertrude Graves….everything is racing except my TSH!
Increased TSH
Decreased T3 + T4
Most common cause of hypothyroidism
Hashimoto’s disease