Chemical Reaction Equilibrium Flashcards
What is formula for ΔG
ΔG=ΔGfinal state-ΔGinitial state
ΔG(Final state)=μ(H+,aq)+μ(OH-,aq)
ΔG(Initial state)=μ(H2O,l)
What is sum of chemical potentials equal to?
Σj vj μj=0
Qhat sign is taken for vj when taking a sum of chemical potentials
+for products
What is activity of compound J and what are its values
denoted: aj
1)with ideal gasses aj=pj/p⊝
2)with condensed phases aj=1
3)solvent aj=xj=1
4)solute(dilute solutions) aj=yj mj/m⊝
Formula for ΔrG⊝ that results in 0
What is ΔrG⊝ function dependent on
How ΔrG⊝ can also be calculated
From standard free energies of formation
What is K
Thermodynamic equilibrium constant, it sets constraints on eq.concentrations
What is van’t Hoff constant
Variation of equilibrium constant(K) with T
What formulas dor we get that are linked to dlnK/dT
What does van’t Hoffs equation imply
Constant is rising with temperature when reaction is endothermic(ΔrH⊝>0) and its decreasing with T when its exothermic reaction (ΔrH⊝<0)
Descrube how can activity coefficient(y) for compounds vary in a solution
1)when solutes are neutral yi=1 bc intersections between solutes are rare
2)ionic soluts have intersections that isnt negligible
What us formula for y+-
K= ((y+-)²m(1st)m(2nd)/m⊝²
What is Doubye-Hückel theory
Modeled cinsidering the statistical thermodynamic properties of the charges shielded by the solvent taken as continuous medium characterized by its dielectric constant Ɛ
What is formula for activity coefficient in Debye-Hückel theory
log10(y+-)=-A|z+ z-|root(I)
What are z+ and z-
Charges of anions and cations
What is I
Ionic force/strength of the solution where the sum is over all ionic species “i” with molality mi
What is formula for I
What is A
Depends on T qnd Ɛof the solvent.
What is value of A in H2O
0.509 kg/mol